MATHEMATICA BOHEMICA, Vol. 130, No. 4, pp. 371-385, 2005

Sur le theoreme de Bartle-Graves dans la categorie des quotients bornologiques

B. Aqzzouz, M. H. Elalj, R. Nouira

B. Aqzzouz, M. H. Elalj, R. Nouira, Universite Ibn Tofail, Faculte des Sciences, Departement de Mathematiques, Equipe d'analyse fonctionnelle, B.P. 133, Kenitra, Morocco, e-mail:

Abstract: \ehyph{\smc On Bartle-Graves Theorem in the category of quotient bornological spaces.} We prove Bartle-Graves Theorem in the category of quotient bornological spaces (L. Waelbroeck, 1986). Also, this permits us to define some spaces of functions taking their values in quotient bornological spaces.

Resume. On se propose d'etablir le Theoreme de Bartle-Graves dans la categorie des quotients bornologiques. Aussi, cela nous permet de definir certains espaces de fonctions a valeurs dans des quotients bornologiques.

Keywords: Bartle-Graves Theorem, quotient bornological spaces, exact functor, category

Classification (MSC 2000): 46M05, 46M15, 46M40

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