
Genetic mapping of resistance to Diuraphis noxia (Kurdjumov) biotype 2 in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) accession CI2401

Fazel-Najafabadi, M., Peng, J., Peairs, F.B., Šimková, H., Kilian, A., Lapitan, N.L.V.
EUPHYTICA 203 : 607-614 , 2015
Keywords: RWA resistance, RWA biotype 2, Marker-assisted selection, Simple sequence repeat markers, Hordeum vulgare

Molecular and cytogenetic characterization of a common wheat-Agropyron cristatum chromosome translocation conferring resistance to leaf rust

Ochoa, V., Madrid, E., Said, M., Rubiales, D., Cabrera, A.
EUPHYTICA 201 : 89-95 , 2015
Keywords: Common wheat, Agropyron cristatum, Introgression, Leaf rust, FISH, GISH, SSR markers

A physical map of chromosome 4Hch from Hordeum chilense containing SSR, STS and EST-SSR molecular markers

Said M., Cabrera A.
EUPHYTICA 167 : 253-259 , 2009
Keywords: Barley, Chromosome 4H, Introgression, Physical mapping

Sub-arm location of prolamin and EST-SSR loci on chromosome 1Hch from Hordeum chilense

Mouaki S., Said M., Alvarez JB., Cabrera A.
EUPHYTICA 178 : 63-69 , 2011
Keywords: Barley, Fluorescence in situ hybridization, Physical location, Structural changes

Development and characterization of structural changes in chromosome 3Hch from Hordeum chilense in common wheat and their use in physical mapping

Said M., Recio R., Cabrera A.
EUPHYTICA 188 : 429-440 , 2012
Keywords: Barley, Fluorescence in situ hybridization, Physical location, Structural changes

Distribution of different Vrn-B1 alleles in hexaploid spring wheat germplasm

Milec Z., Sumíková T., Tomková L., Pánková K.
EUPHYTICA 192 : 371-378 , 2013
Keywords: Wheat, Vrn-B1alleles, Multiplex PCR, Vrn-B1c allele

Genetic mapping of a new flowering time gene on chromosome 3B of wheat

Pánková K., Milec Z., Simmonds J., Leverington-Waite M., Fish L., Snape J. W
EUPHYTICA 164 : 779 - 787 , 2008
Keywords: Chromosome 3B, Earliness per se, Genetic mapping, Photoperiod response, Vernalization, Wheat