Optical fibers with nano-structures core for optical amplification

Sponsor: Czech Science Foundation

Principal investigator: Ondřej Podrazký, Ph.D.

From: 2007-01-01

To: 2009-12-31

The project is focused on optical fibers with nanostructered core for optical amplification. The goal of the project is the research of methods of preparation of nanostrucured alumino-silicate optical fibers with fluorescence of rare-earth elements (RE) enhanced due to alumina naoparticles inside the core. The problem will be solved by two approaches – by deposition of alumina nanoparticles containing RE into core and by nanocrystallization of the core due to its thermal treatment. The results of the project should comprise a know-how for preparation of nanostrucutred alumino-silicate fibers and samples of the erbium- and thulium-doped fibers with enhanced ASE. The results coud lead to increased efficiency of fiber amplifiers and lasers for C-, L- and S- telecommunication bands.




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