Mountain meadows in Semyonovka (Սեմյոնովկա) environs
Cerambycidae locality
Mountain meadows in Semyonovka environs
Mountain meadows in Semyonovka environs
[Photo © M.Hoskovec]

Among the most pictoresque locatilies visited in Armenia were depicted blossoming vast alpine meadows near village Semyonovka (Սեմյոնովկա), situated in mountain landscape in altitude 2200-2400 m approx. 6 km south-east of spa town Dilijan (Դիլիջան) on the borders between provinces Gegharkunik and Tavush. This beautiful and quiet piece of Armenia offered to us not only breathtaking 360° vistas over Armenian Highlands, crowned by snowy summits of both Ararats on the southern horizon, but also numerous beetles living on rich alpine flora...

We found here in the grass running Dorcadions of three taxa - Dorcadion nitidum Motschulsky, 1838, Dorcadion scabricolle scabricolle Dalman, 1817 and Dorcadion indutum Faldermann, 1837. On thistles were often sitting small shiny blue Agapanthia persicola Reitter, 1894 accompanied by here much rare Agapanthia lederi Ganglbauer, 1883. Countless flowering buttercups (Ranunculus) were hidding many specimens of small black and brown (...still undetermined) Cortodera.

Mountain meadows in Semyonovka environs
[Photo © M.Hoskovec]
↑ - Hard work: Petr during hunt for Dorcadions...
↓ - Anemone narcissiflora fields and view over Dilijan forests

Mountain meadows in Semyonovka environs
[Photo © M.Hoskovec]
Mountain meadows in Semyonovka environs
Mountain meadows in Semyonovka environs
[Photo © M.Hoskovec]
[Photo © M.Hoskovec]
↑ - In distance of 140 kilometers, but so close... Shield volcano Ararat with two distant cones is Armenian symbol visible across entire country.
↓ - In Armenia you are surrounded by majestic volcanos on every horizon...

Mountain meadows in Semyonovka environs
[Photo © M.Hoskovec]
[Photo © M.Hoskovec]
↑ - In the grass we found during "pasture" also these beautiful Meloe...