Mathematica Bohemica, online first, 17 pp.

On graceful colorings of trees

Sean English, Ping Zhang

Received July 9, 2015.   First published November 7, 2016.

Sean English, Ping Zhang, Department of Mathematics, Western Michigan University, 1903 W Michigan Ave, Kalamazoo, MI 49008-5248, USA, e-mail:,

Abstract: A proper coloring $c V(G)\to\{1, 2,\ldots, k\}$, $k\ge2$ of a graph $G$ is called a graceful $k$-coloring if the induced edge coloring $c' E(G) \to\{1, 2, \ldots, k-1\}$ defined by $c'(uv)=|c(u)-c(v)|$ for each edge $uv$ of $G$ is also proper. The minimum integer $k$ for which $G$ has a graceful $k$-coloring is the graceful chromatic number $\chi_g(G)$. It is known that if $T$ is a tree with maximum degree $\Delta$, then $\chi_g(T) \le\lceil\frac53\Delta\rceil$ and this bound is best possible. It is shown for each integer $\Delta\ge2$ that there is an infinite class of trees $T$ with maximum degree $\Delta$ such that $\chi_g(T)=\lceil\frac53\Delta\rceil$. In particular, we investigate for each integer $\Delta\ge2$ a class of rooted trees $T_{\Delta, h}$ with maximum degree $\Delta$ and height $h$. The graceful chromatic number of $T_{\Delta, h}$ is determined for each integer $\Delta\ge2$ when $1 \le h \le4$. Furthermore, it is shown for each $\Delta\ge2$ that $\lim_{h \to\infty} \chi_g(T_{\Delta, h}) = \lceil\frac53\Delta\rceil$.

Keywords: graceful coloring; graceful chromatic numbers; tree

Classification (MSC 2010): 05C15, 05C78

DOI: 10.21136/MB.2016.0035-15

Full text available as PDF.

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