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Volume 65, Issue 4, 2016



  • Physiol. Res. 65: 547-560, 2016; Full version (PDF file)

    The molecular mechanisms of calpains action on skeletal muscle atrophy.
    J. Huang, X. Zhu (Ningxia Med. Univ., Yinchuan, Ningxia & Dept. Respir. Diseases, YangPu Hosp. Tongji Univ., Shanghai, China)

    Original Articles


  • Physiol. Res. 65: 561-570, 2016; Full version (PDF file)

    Perindoprilat changes ANG (1-9) production in renal arteries isolated from young spontaneously hypertensive rats after ANG I incubation.
    P. P. Wołkow, B. Bujak-Giżycka, J. Jawień1, R. Olszanecki, J. Madej, J. Rutowski, R. Korbut (Chair Pharmacol., Jagiellonian Univ. Med. Coll., Krakow & Ctr. Med. Genom. OMICRON, Jagiellonian Univ. Med. Coll., Krakow, Poland)

  • Physiol. Res. 65: 571-580, 2016; Full version (PDF file)

    Characteristic enhancement of blood pressure V-shaped waves in sinoaortic-denervated rats in a conscious and quiet state.
    H. Chang, H.-X. Gu, M. Gong, J.-J. Han, Y. Wang, Z.-L. Xia, X.-M. Zhao (Key Lab. Atherosclerosis, Univ. Shandong /Taishan Med. Univ./, Taian & Dept. Pharmacol., Taishan Med. Univ., Taian & Dept. Pharm., Affil. Hosp. Jining Med. Coll., Jining, China)

  • Physiol. Res. 65: 581-589, 2016; Full version (PDF file)

    Predicting blood flow responses to rhythmic handgrip exercise from one second isometric contractions.
    M. Cook, N. A. Smart, T. Van der Touw (School Sci. Technol., Univ. New England, Armidale, Australia)

  • Physiol. Res. 65: 591-595, 2016; Full version (PDF file)

    The influence of the anastomosis angle on the hemodynamics in the distal anastomosis in the infrainguinal bypass: an in vitro study.
    T. Grus, G. Grusová, L. Lambert, R. Banerjee, J. Matěcha, M. Mlček (Sec. Dept. Surg. & Dept. Radiol., First Fac. Med., Charles Univ., Prague, Czech Republic)

  • Physiol. Res. 65: 597-608, 2016; Full version (PDF file)

    Analysis of expression profiles of genes involved in FoF1-ATP synthase biogenesis during perinatal development in rat liver and skeletal muscle.
    J. Spáčilová, M. Hůlková, A. Hruštincová, V. Čapek, M. Tesařová, H. Hansíková, J. Zeman (Lab. Study Mitochondr. Disord., Dept. Pediatr. Adolesc. Med., First Fac. Med., Charles Univ. and Gen. Univ. Hosp., Prague, Czech Republic)

  • Physiol. Res. 65: 609-616, 2016; Full version (PDF file)

    Combined incubation of cadmium, docosahexaenoic and eicosapentaenoic acid affecting the oxidative stress and antioxidant response in human hepatocytes in vitro.
    P. Linhartova, I. Gazo, S. Sampels (South Bohemian Res. Ctr. Aquacult. Biodivers. Hydrocenoses, Fac. Fisher. Protect. Waters, Univ. South Bohemia, České Budějovice & Inst. Aquacult. Protect. Waters, České Budějovice, Czech Republic)

  • Physiol. Res. 65: 617-626, 2016; Full version (PDF file)

    Comparison of the effects of tert-butyl hydroperoxide and peroxynitrite on the oxidative damage to isolated beef heart mitochondria.
    M. Kohutiar, J. Ivica, R. Vytášek, A. Skoumalová, J. Illner, P. Šantorová, J. Wilhelm (Dept. Med. Chem. Clin. Biochem., Sec. Fac. Med., Charles Univ. and Motol Univ. Hosp., Prague & Dept. Membr. Recept. Biochem., Inst. Physiol., Czech Acad. Sci., Prague, Czech Republic)

  • Physiol. Res. 65: 627-635, 2016; Full version (PDF file)

    Characterization of acetaminophen toxicity in human kidney HK-2 cells.
    M. Vrbová, E. Roušarová, L. Brůčková, P. Česla, T. Roušar (Dept. Biol. Biochem. Sci., Fac. Chem. Technol., Univ. Pardubice, Pardubice, Czech Republic)

  • Physiol. Res. 65: 637-650, 2016; Full version (PDF file)

    Expression of aquaporin 1 and 5 and their regulation by ovarian hormones, arachidonic acid, forskolin and cAMP during implantation in pigs.
    A. Skowronska, P. Mlotkowska, M. Majewski, S. Nielsen, M. T. Skowronski (Dept. Hum. Physiol., Fac. Med. Sci., Univ. Warmia and Mazury, Olsztyn, Poland)

  • Physiol. Res. 65: 651-659, 2016; Full version (PDF file)

    No change in serum incretins levels but rise of leptin levels after smoking cessation: a pilot study.
    A. Pankova, E. Kralikova, P. Kavalkova, L. Stepankova, K. Zvolska, M. Haluzik (Ctr. Tobacco-Depend., Third Intern. Dept. – Dept. Endocrinol. Metab. & Inst. Hyg. Epidemiol., First Fac. Med., Charles Univ. and Gen. Univ. Hosp., Prague, Czech Republic)

  • Physiol. Res. 65: 661-672, 2016; Full version (PDF file)

    The role of cytokines TGF-β1 and FGF-1 in the expression of characteristic markers of rat liver myofibroblasts cultured in three-dimensional collagen gel.
    E. Peterová, A. Mrkvicová, L. Podmolíková, M. Řezáčová, J. Kanta (Dept. Med. Biochem., Fac. Med. Hradec Králové, Charles Univ. Prague, Hradec Králové, Czech Republic)

  • Physiol. Res. 65: 673-682, 2016; Full version (PDF file)

    Postnatal expression of bone morphogenetic proteins and their receptors in the mouse testis.
    I. M. Ciller, S. K. A. Palanisamy, U. A. Ciller, J. R. McFarlane (Ctr. Bioact. Discov. Health Ageing, School Sci. Technol., Univ. New England, Armidale, Australia)

  • Physiol. Res. 65: 683-691, 2016; Full version (PDF file)

    Effect of continuous passive motion initiated after the onset of arthritis on inflammation and secondary hyperalgesia in rats.
    K. Nakabayashi, J. Sakamoto, H. Kataoka, Y. Kondo, Y. Hamaue, Y. Honda, J. Nakano, M. Okita (Dept. Locomot. Rehab. Sci., Unit Rehab. Sci. & Dept. Phys. Therapy Sci., Unit Phys. Occupat. Therapy Sci., Nagasaki Univ. Grad. School Biomed. Sci., Nagasaki, Japan)

  • Physiol. Res. 65: 693-700, 2016; Full version (PDF file)

    Effects of electrical stimulation at different locations in the central nucleus of amygdala on gastric motility and spike activity.
    F. He, H.-B. Ai (Key Lab. Animal Resist. Shandong Province, Coll. Life Sci., Shandong Normal Univ., Jinan, Shandong Province, People’s Republic of China)

  • Physiol. Res. 65: 701-709, 2016; Full version (PDF file)

    The role of the insular cortex in naloxone-induced conditioned place aversion in morphine-dependent mice.
    F. Wang, X. Jing, J. Yang, H. Wang, R. Xiang, W. Han, X. Liu, C. Wu (Dept. Pharmacol., Shenyang Pharmaceut. Univ., Shenyang, China)

    Rapid Communication


  • Physiol. Res. 65: 711-715, 2016; Full version (PDF file)

    Novel porcine model of acute severe cardiogenic shock developed by upper-body hypoxia.
    P. Ostadal, M. Mlcek, S. Strunina, M. Hrachovina, A. Kruger, D. Vondrakova, M. Janotka, P. Hala, O. Kittnar, P. Neuzil (Cardiovasc. Ctr., Na Homolce Hosp., Prague, Czech Republic)



  • Physiol. Res. 65: 1P-5P, 2016; Full version (PDF file)

    Proceedings of the 19th Conference about Laboratory Animals held in Musov – Pasohlavky (Czech Republic), May 3 - 5, 2016

    The Editorial Office of Physiological Research disclaims any responsibility for errors that may have been made by the authors. The data and opinions appearing in the articles are the responsibility of the contributors.

    This number was issued in August 2016

  • © 2016 by the Institute of Physiology, Czech Academy of Sciences