MATHEMATICA BOHEMICA, Vol. 141, No. 4, pp. 463-473, 2016

Factorizations of normality via generalizations of $\beta$-normality

Ananga Kumar Das, Pratibha Bhat, Ria Gupta

Received August 16, 2015.   First published September 12, 2016.

Ananga Kumar Das, Pratibha Bhat, Ria Gupta, Department of Mathematics, Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University, Katra 182320, Jammu and Kashmir, India, e-mail:;;;

Abstract: The notion of $\beta$-normality was introduced and studied by Arhangel'skii, Ludwig in 2001. Recently, almost $\beta$-normal spaces, which is a simultaneous generalization of $\beta$-normal and almost normal spaces, were introduced by Das, Bhat and Tartir. We introduce a new generalization of normality, namely weak $\beta$-normality, in terms of $\theta$-closed sets, which turns out to be a simultaneous generalization of $\beta$-normality and $\theta$-normality. A space $X$ is said to be weakly $\beta$-normal (w$\beta$-normal$)$ if for every pair of disjoint closed sets $A$ and $B$ out of which, one is $\theta$-closed, there exist open sets $U$ and $V$ such that $\overline{A\cap U}=A$, $\overline{B\cap V}=B$ and $\overline{U}\cap\overline{V}=\emptyset$. It is shown that w$\beta$-normality acts as a tool to provide factorizations of normality.

Keywords: normal space; (weakly) densely normal space; (weakly) $\theta$-normal space; almost normal space; almost $\beta$-normal space; $\kappa$-normal space; (weakly) $\beta$-normal space

Classification (MSC 2010): 54D15

DOI: 10.21136/MB.2016.0048-15

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