Výběrová řízení
Výběrová řízení
Fyziologický ústav AV ČR, v. v. i. vyhlašuje v souladu se zákonem č. 283/1992 Sb. o Akademii věd České republiky, ve znění zákona č. 420/2005 Sb. a Stanov AV ČR výběrové řízení na pozici Postdoctoral position at the Department of Adipose Tissue Biology
Požadavky: Institute of Physiology of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague (www.fgu.cas.cz/en) announces a call for applications for a post-doc position at the Department of Adipose Tissue Biology. The position will be available for 3 years. About us We are studying physiological mechanisms engaged in the control of energy balance and substrate metabolism, as well as their impairments in states of obesity and insulin resistance. Our results document the key role of adipose tissue metabolism in the development of low‐grade inflammation, insulin resistance and ectopic lipid accumulation in non‐adipose tissues, i.e. key defects responsible for development of metabolic disturbances in obesity. Special attention is paid to the mechanisms behind the effects of n‐3 fatty acids of marine origin on metabolism, especially with regard to their anti‐inflammatory properties and their combined use with pharmaceuticals. Our research involves collaborations with industry in Norway and with clinical centers in Prague. In this respect, the Department belongs to the leaders of Omega‐3 research worldwide (see http://www.fgu.cas.cz/en/departments/adipose-tissue-biology). Your project The project will complement dietary/pharmacological interventions in mice by in vitro studies aimed at identifying the key components of studied biochemical and signaling pathways. The candidate will contribute by: 1) introducing the techniques of targeted gene inactivation using in vitro cell models (primary adipocytes, hepatocytes and myocytes from mice, rats or patients; 2) designing siRNA molecules for targeted inactivation of genes, and constructs for transfections; 3) analyzing e.g. the importance of major components of the substrate cycle of fatty acid release and re-esterification in adipocytes for whole body metabolism. Your profile We look for a highly motivated candidate with a PhD degree, who is fluent in English, has extensive experience with molecular biology techniques, and is able to carry out research primarily focusing on in vitro cell models and advanced techniques for targeted modulation of gene expression. Previous experience in animal (laboratory mice or rats) experimentation is of advantage. We offer a competitive monthly salary of 40 000 CZK (approx. 1 500 EUR) with a possible raise based on the candidate's skills and involvement in grant projects. For further information or to send an application, including a CV, photocopies of documents proving the attained level of education, and recommendation letters of two independent academic referees, please, use the following address: fgu@fgu.cas.cz Application deadline is two months from the date of publication of the advertisement. Institute of Physiology, Czech Academy of Sciences, Videnska 1083, 142 20 - Prague 4, Czech Republic
Uzávěrka přihlášek: 27. 12. 2016