Data - Search Taxa
Project aa 01
Scientific name | Family | Species | Arch. dating | Preservation | Sum of macro | Frequency | Locality |
Atriplex patula | Chenopodiaceae | lebeda rozkladitá | br.ha | charred | 1 | 1 | sites |
Avena sp. | Poaceae | oves | br.sti | charred | 2 | 1 | sites |
Bromus arvensis | Poaceae | sveřep rolní | ha.byl | charred | 2 | 1 | sites |
Bromus secalinus | Poaceae | sveřep stoklasa pravý | br.sti | charred | 1 | 1 | sites |
Capsella bursa-pastoris | Brassicaceae | kokoška pastuší tobolka | ha.byl | charred | 1 | 1 | sites |
Centaurea scabiosa | Asteraceae | chrpa čekánek | ha.byl | charred | 141 | 1 | sites |
Corylus avellana | Betulaceae | líska obecná | ne.lin | charred | 9 | 1 | sites |
Euphorbia helioscopia | Euphorbiaceae | pryšec kolovratec | br.ha | charred | 1 | 1 | sites |
Fallopia convolvulus | Polygonaceae | opletka obecná | ha.byl | charred | 3 | 1 | sites |
Fallopia convolvulus | Polygonaceae | opletka obecná | br.sti | charred | 2 | 1 | sites |
Galium aparine | Rubiaceae | svízel přítula | ha.byl | charred | 2 | 1 | sites |
Galium spurium | Rubiaceae | svízel pochybný | br.sti | charred | 2 | 1 | sites |
Galium spurium | Rubiaceae | svízel pochybný | br.ha | charred | 2 | 1 | sites |
Galium spurium | Rubiaceae | svízel pochybný | ha.byl | charred | 105 | 1 | sites |
Chenopodium album | Chenopodiaceae | merlík bílý | ha.byl | charred | 17 | 1 | sites |
Chenopodium album | Chenopodiaceae | merlík bílý | ne.lin | charred | 1 | 1 | sites |
Chenopodium album | Chenopodiaceae | merlík bílý | br.sti | charred | 4 | 1 | sites |
Chenopodium album | Chenopodiaceae | merlík bílý | br.ha | charred | 1 | 1 | sites |
Chenopodium hybridum | Chenopodiaceae | merlík zvrhlý | br.sti | charred | 1 | 1 | sites |
Chenopodium hybridum | Chenopodiaceae | merlík zvrhlý | ha.byl | charred | 6 | 1 | sites |
Lepidium ruderale | Brassicaceae | řeřicha rumní | ha.byl | charred | 1 | 1 | sites |
Lychnis flos-cuculi | Caryophyllaceae | kohoutek luční | br.ha | charred | 1 | 1 | sites |
Persicaria lapathifolia agg. | Polygonaceae | rdesno blešník | br.ha | charred | 1 | 1 | sites |
Prunus spinosa | Rosaceae | trnka obecná (trnka) | br.ha | charred | 1 | 1 | sites |
Rumex acetosella | Polygonaceae | šťovík menší | ha.byl | charred | 1 | 1 | sites |
Setaria pumila | Poaceae | bér sivý | br.ha | charred | 1 | 1 | sites |
Trifolium dubium | Fabaceae | jetel pochybný | ne.lin | charred | 1 | 1 | sites |
Veronica hederifolia | Scrophulariaceae | rozrazil břečťanolistý | ha.byl | charred | 3 | 1 | sites |
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