Abrouk |
Michael |
+420 585 238 709 |
abrouk@ueb.cas.cz |
Centre of Plant Structural and Functional Genomics |
Ali Said Ibrahim |
Mahmoud |
+420 585 238 718, +420 721 981 634 |
said@ueb.cas.cz |
Centre of Plant Structural and Functional Genomics |
Angelis |
Karel J. |
+420 224 322 603, |
angelis@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Pollen Biology |
Babíková |
Zdeňka |
(RD), +420 585 634 945 |
zdenka.babikova@upol.cz |
Centre of Plant Structural and Functional Genomics |
Babůrek |
Ivan |
+420 225 106 221, |
baburek@ueb.cas.cz |
Secretariat of director |
Bartoněk |
Josef |
+420 585 238 771, |
bartonek@ueb.cas.cz |
Centre of Plant Structural and Functional Genomics |
Bartoš |
Jan |
+420 585 238 711, |
bartos@ueb.cas.cz |
Centre of Plant Structural and Functional Genomics |
Bazgerová |
Tereza |
+420 225 106 428, |
bazgerova@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Pollen Biology |
Bazgier |
Václav |
+420 585 634 769, |
bazgier@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Growth Substances |
Bednářová |
Martina |
+420 585 238 712, |
bednarova@ueb.cas.cz |
Centre of Plant Structural and Functional Genomics |
Beseda |
Tomáš |
+420 585 238 728, |
beseda@ueb.cas.cz |
Centre of Plant Structural and Functional Genomics |
Bildziukevich |
Uladzimir |
+420 241 062 184, |
bildziukevich@ueb.cas.cz |
Isotope Laboratory |
Blahoušek |
Ota |
+420 585 634 853, |
ota.blahousek@upol.cz |
Laboratory of Growth Substances |
Blavet |
Nicolas |
+420 585 238 708, |
blavet@ueb.cas.cz |
Centre of Plant Structural and Functional Genomics |
Blažková |
Ivona |
+420 241 062 484, |
blazkovai@ueb.cas.cz |
Isotope Laboratory |
Bőhm |
Martin |
+420 225 106 878, +420 602 790 827 |
bohm@ueb.cas.cz |
Bokvaj |
Pavel |
+420 225 106 428, |
bokvaj@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Pollen Biology |
Brejšková |
Lucie |
+420 225 106 449, +420 606 836 121 |
brejskova@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Cell Biology |
Brouzdová |
Jitka |
+420 225 106 420, +420 225 106 404 |
brouzdova@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Signal Transduction |
Brožová |
Radka |
+420 225 106 485, |
brozova@ueb.cas.cz |
Brzobohatý |
Břetislav |
+420 545 133 359, |
brzoboha@ibp.cz |
External cooperation |
Burešová |
Veronika |
+420 585 238 722, |
buresova@ueb.cas.cz |
Centre of Plant Structural and Functional Genomics |
Burketová |
Lenka |
+420 225 106 815, |
burketova@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Pathological Plant Physiology |
Businská |
Ludmila |
+420 225 106 417, |
businska@ueb.cas.cz |
Cápal |
Petr |
+420 585 238 714, |
capal@ueb.cas.cz |
Centre of Plant Structural and Functional Genomics |
Čáslavský |
Ondřej |
+420 241 062 457, |
caslavsky@ueb.cas.cz |
Isotope Laboratory |
Černá |
Lucie |
+420 225 106 827, |
cernal@ueb.cas.cz |
Plant Reproduction Laboratory |
Černý |
Radek |
+420 225 106 492, |
cerny@ueb.cas.cz |
Station of apple breeding for disease resistance |
Čeřovská |
Noemi |
+420 225 106 819, |
cerovska@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Virology |
Chmelařová |
Anna |
+420 585 238 728, |
chmelarova@ueb.cas.cz |
Centre of Plant Structural and Functional Genomics |
Christelová |
Pavla |
+420 585 238 725, |
christelova@ueb.cas.cz |
Centre of Plant Structural and Functional Genomics |
Čížková |
Jana |
+420 585 238 717, |
cizkova@ueb.cas.cz |
Centre of Plant Structural and Functional Genomics |
Čovanová |
Milada |
+420 225 106 425, |
covanova@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Hormonal Regulations in Plants |
Čunátová |
Tereza |
doplnit, |
cunatova@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Pathological Plant Physiology |
Cvikrová |
Milena |
+420 225 106 409, |
cvikrova@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Biologically Active Compounds |
Daněk |
Michal |
+420 225 106 418, +420 225 106 404 |
danek@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Signal Transduction |
Daňková |
Mariana |
+420 225 106 480, |
dankova@ueb.cas.cz |
Darivčak |
Peter |
+420 777 897 894, |
peter.darivcak@seznam.cz |
Laboratory of Pollen Biology |
Dědič |
Petr |
+420 225 106 455, |
dedic@vubhb.cz |
External cooperation |
Dlouhá |
Zuzana |
+420225106817, |
dlouha@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Pathological Plant Physiology |
Dobrev |
Petre I. |
+420 225 106 444, +420 225 106 426 |
dobrev@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Hormonal Regulations in Plants |
Doležal |
Karel |
+420 585 634 940, |
dolezal@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Growth Substances |
Doležel |
Jaroslav |
+420 585 238 703, |
dolezel@ueb.cas.cz |
Centre of Plant Structural and Functional Genomics |
Doleželová |
Věra |
+420 585 634 944, |
vera.dolezelova@upol.cz |
Laboratory of Growth Substances |
Drážná |
Nikola |
+420 225 106 432, |
drazna@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Hormonal Regulations in Plants |
Drdová |
Edita |
+420 225 106 449, |
drdova@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Cell Biology |
Dubská |
Zdeňka |
+420 585 238 729, |
dubska@ueb.cas.cz |
Centre of Plant Structural and Functional Genomics |
Dupľáková |
Nikoleta |
+420 465 106 452, |
duplakova@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Pollen Biology |
Dušek |
Jakub |
+420 225 106 822, |
dusek@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Virology |
Dvořáková |
Marcela |
+420 225 106 804, |
dvorakova@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Plant Biotechnologies |
Eliášová |
Kateřina |
+420 225 106 402, +420 225 106 422 |
eliasova@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Biologically Active Compounds |
Faksová |
Kateřina |
+420 585 634 856, |
faksova@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Growth Substances |
Feciková |
Jana |
+420 225 106 451, |
fecikova@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Pollen Biology |
Fellner |
Martin |
585634905, 736704170 |
martin.fellner@upol.cz |
Laboratory of Growth Substances |
Fíla |
Jan |
+420 225 106 452, |
fila@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Pollen Biology |
Fílová |
Markéta |
+420 225 106 431, |
filova@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Hormonal Regulations in Plants |
Fischerová |
Lucie |
+420225 106 414, |
fischerova@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Biologically Active Compounds |
Forczek |
Sándor |
+420 241 062 484, |
alex067@biomed.cas.cz |
Isotope Laboratory |
Gadiou |
Zuzana |
+420 225 106 451, |
gadiou@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Pollen Biology |
Gajdošíková |
Lenka |
+420 585 634 851, |
gajdosikova@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Growth Substances |
Gaudinová |
Alena |
+420 225 106 427, |
gaudinova@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Hormonal Regulations in Plants |
Gemperlová |
Lenka |
+420 225 106 472, +420 225 106 412 |
gemperlova@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Biologically Active Compounds |
Gibalová |
Antónia |
+420 225 106 463, |
gibalova@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Pollen Biology |
Gichner |
Tomáš |
+420 225 106 811, |
gichner@ueb.cas.cz |
Grúz |
Jiří |
+420 585 632 173, |
gruzj@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Growth Substances |
Hadámková |
Renata |
+420 225 106 821, |
hadamkova@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Virology |
Hafidh |
Said |
+420 225 106 452, |
hafidh@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Pollen Biology |
Haisel |
Daniel |
+420 225 106 812, +420 728 084 301 |
haisel@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Plant Biotechnologies |
Hajek |
Jaromir |
+420 585 238 771, |
hajekjar@ueb.cas.cz |
Centre of Plant Structural and Functional Genomics |
Hajná |
Vladimíra |
+420, |
hajna@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Signal Transduction |
Hála |
Michal |
+420 225 106 458, |
hala@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Cell Biology |
Haleš |
Zdeněk |
+420 720 411 209, |
hales@ueb.cas.cz |
Station of apple breeding for disease resistance |
Hansgutová |
Jitka |
+420 585 634 851, |
jitka.hansgutova@upol.cz |
Laboratory of Growth Substances |
Haškovcová |
Kateřina |
+420 225 106 420, |
haskovcova@ueb.cas.cz |
Plant Reproduction Laboratory |
Havlíček |
Libor |
+420 241 062 485, |
lihavlic@biomed.cas.cz |
Isotope Laboratory |
Helusová |
Michaela |
+420 225 106 435, |
helusova@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Hormonal Regulations in Plants |
Hirnerová |
Eva |
+420 585 634 861, |
hirnerova@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Growth Substances |
Hobza |
Roman |
+420 585 238 722, |
hobza@ibp.cz |
Centre of Plant Structural and Functional Genomics |
Hoffmeisterová |
Hana |
+420 225 106 818, |
hoffmeisterova@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Virology |
Holá |
Marcela |
+420 224 322 603, |
hola@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Pollen Biology |
Holečková |
Karolína |
+420723750894, +420225106435 |
holeckova@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Hormonal Regulations in Plants |
Holek |
Jaromír |
+420 585 238 772, +420 585 238 705 |
holek@ueb.cas.cz |
Centre of Plant Structural and Functional Genomics |
Holík |
Josef |
+420 241 062 381, |
holik@biomed.cas.cz |
Isotope Laboratory |
Holušová |
Kateřina |
+420 585 238 725, |
holusovak@ueb.cas.cz |
Centre of Plant Structural and Functional Genomics |
Honig |
Martin |
+420 585 634 953, |
honig@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Growth Substances |
Honys |
David |
+420 225 106 450, |
honys@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Pollen Biology |
Horníková |
Martina |
+420 585 238 727, |
hornikova@ueb.cas.cz |
Centre of Plant Structural and Functional Genomics |
Hornychová |
Zdeňka |
+420 225 106 808, |
hornychova@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Plant Biotechnologies |
Hošek |
Petr |
+420 225 106 436, |
hosek@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Hormonal Regulations in Plants |
Hourova |
Andrea |
+420 225 106 455, |
hourova@ueb.cas.cz |
Hoyerová |
Klára |
+420 225 106 436, |
hoyerova@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Hormonal Regulations in Plants |
Hřibová |
Eva |
+420 585 238 713, |
hribova@ueb.cas.cz |
Centre of Plant Structural and Functional Genomics |
Hůlová |
Zuzana |
+420 225 106 489, |
hulova@ueb.cas.cz |
Hustáková |
Olga |
+420 585 634 856, |
hustakova@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Growth Substances |
Ivaničová |
Zuzana |
+420 585 238 717, |
ivanicova@ueb.cas.cz |
Centre of Plant Structural and Functional Genomics |
Jahnová |
Eva |
+420 585 238 729, |
jahnova@ueb.cas.cz |
Centre of Plant Structural and Functional Genomics |
Janda |
Martin |
+420 225 106 816, +420 603 579 167 |
jandam@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Pathological Plant Physiology |
Jelínková |
Adriana |
+420 225 106 425, |
jelinkovaa@ueb.cas.cz |
Jelínková |
Adriana |
+420 225 106 425, |
jelinkovaa@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Hormonal Regulations in Plants |
Jelínková |
Iveta |
420 225 106 451, |
jelinkovai@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Pollen Biology |
Jeřábková |
Hana |
+420 585 238 721, |
jerabkova@ueb.cas.cz |
Centre of Plant Structural and Functional Genomics |
Jindřichová |
Barbora |
+420 225 106 815, |
jindrichova@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Pathological Plant Physiology |
Jordová |
Dita |
RD, |
jordova@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Growth Substances |
Juříček |
Miloslav |
+420 225 106 410, |
juricek@ueb.cas.cz |
Station of apple breeding for disease resistance |
Kadlecová |
Lenka |
+420 225 106 473, |
kadlecoval@ueb.cas.cz |
Kalachova |
Tetiana |
+420 225 106 816, |
kalachova@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Pathological Plant Physiology |
Kališová |
Jana |
+420 225 106 412, |
kalisova@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Biologically Active Compounds |
Kamínek |
Miroslav |
+420 225 106 445, |
kaminek@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Hormonal Regulations in Plants |
Karafiátová |
Miroslava |
+420 585 238 706, +420 608 745 507 |
karafiatova@ueb.cas.cz |
Centre of Plant Structural and Functional Genomics |
Kertbundit |
Sunee |
(OV), +420 225 106 833 |
kertbundit@ueb.cas.cz |
Station of apple breeding for disease resistance |
Klier |
David |
+420 225 106 469, +420 605 505 840 |
klier@ueb.cas.cz |
Klíma |
Petr |
+420 225 106 425, |
klima@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Hormonal Regulations in Plants |
Klodová |
Božena |
+420, |
klodova@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Pollen Biology |
Knirsch |
Vojtěch |
+420 225 106 426, |
knirsch@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Hormonal Regulations in Plants |
Kobzová |
Eva |
+420 225 106 426, |
kobzova@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Hormonal Regulations in Plants |
Kočířová |
Jana |
+420 585 634 914, +420 608 761 393 |
kocirova@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Growth Substances |
Kocourková |
Daniela |
+420 225 106 416, |
kocourkova@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Signal Transduction |
Kolčabová |
Lenka |
+420 225 106 813, |
kolcabova@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Virology |
Koloušková |
Pavla |
+420 225 106 827, |
kolouskova@ueb.cas.cz |
Plant Reproduction Laboratory |
Komárková |
Jana |
-420 585 634 914, |
komarkova@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Growth Substances |
Komínková |
Eva |
+420 585 238 709, |
kominkova@ueb.cas.cz |
Centre of Plant Structural and Functional Genomics |
Kopecky |
David |
+420 585 238 723, |
kopecky@ueb.cas.cz |
Centre of Plant Structural and Functional Genomics |
Kopečná |
Martina |
(RD), |
kopecna@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Growth Substances |
Korecká |
Marie |
225106436, |
korecka@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Hormonal Regulations in Plants |
Kozohorská |
Alena |
+420 225 106 482, |
kozohorska@ueb.cas.cz |
Kramná |
Barbara |
+420 778 535 811, |
barbara.kramna@gmail.com |
Laboratory of Hormonal Regulations in Plants |
Krčková |
Zuzana |
+420 225 106 420, 404, |
krckova@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Signal Transduction |
Krekule |
Jan |
+420 224 310 209, +420 607 527 472 |
krekule@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Growth Substances |
Krüger |
Manuela |
+420 225 106 827, |
kruger@ueb.cas.cz |
Plant Reproduction Laboratory |
Krutinová |
Hana |
+420225106816, |
krutinova@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Pathological Plant Physiology |
Kryštof |
Vladimír |
+420 585 634 854, |
vladimir.krystof@upol.cz |
Laboratory of Growth Substances |
Kulichova |
Katarína |
+420 225 106 428, |
kulichova@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Pollen Biology |
Kvasnica |
Miroslav |
+420 585 632 261, +420 585 639 446 |
kvasnica@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Growth Substances |
Kvasničková |
Radoslava |
+420 585 238 701, |
kvasnickova@ueb.cas.cz |
Centre of Plant Structural and Functional Genomics |
Kvasnicová |
Marie |
+420 225 106 804, |
kvasnicova@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Plant Biotechnologies |
Kymrová |
Hana |
+420 225 106 825, |
kymrova@ueb.cas.cz |
Editorial Office |
Lacek |
Jozef |
+420 225 106 425, +421 904 407 411 |
lacek@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Hormonal Regulations in Plants |
Lamparová |
Lucie |
+420225106816, +420225106817 |
lamparova@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Pathological Plant Physiology |
Landa |
Přemysl |
+420 225 106 803, |
landa@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Plant Biotechnologies |
Langhansová |
Lenka |
+420 225 106 803, |
langhansova@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Plant Biotechnologies |
Laňková |
Martina |
+420 225 106 431, +420 775 432 478 |
lankova@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Hormonal Regulations in Plants |
Lipavský |
Jan |
+420 233 022 491, |
lipavsky@vurv.cz |
External cooperation |
Lohová |
Monika |
+420 225 106 826, 604119926 |
lohova@ueb.cas.cz |
Editorial Office |
Loskotová |
Lucie |
225 106 816, |
loskotova@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Pathological Plant Physiology |
Louda |
Otto |
+420 485 177 430, |
ueb.strizovice@seznam.cz |
Station of apple breeding for disease resistance |
Luštinec |
Jiří |
+420 225 106 457, |
lustinec@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Cell Biology |
Macková |
Pavlína |
+420 241 062 706, |
mackovap@ueb.cas.cz |
Isotope Laboratory |
Malbeck |
Jiří |
+420 225 106 407, +420 225 106 421 |
malbeck@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Mass Spectrometry |
Malínská |
Kateřina |
+420 225 106 435, +420 225 106 431 |
malinska@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Hormonal Regulations in Plants |
Maršík |
Petr |
+420 225 106 803, +420 225 106 801 |
marsik@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Plant Biotechnologies |
Martinec |
Jan |
+420 225 106 416, 404, +420 776 629 209 |
martinec@ueb.cas.cz |
Maryška |
Lukáš |
+420225106817, |
maryskal@seznam.cz |
Laboratory of Pathological Plant Physiology |
Mašinská |
Lucia |
+420 225 106 451, |
hozova@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Pollen Biology |
Mašterová |
Helena |
+420 225 106 829, |
masterova@ueb.cas.cz |
Michailidis |
Christos |
+420 225 106 452, |
christos@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Pollen Biology |
Mikula |
Zdeněk |
+420 485 177 430, |
ueb.strizovice@seznam.cz |
Station of apple breeding for disease resistance |
Mikulíková |
Lucie |
+420 585 634 784, |
mikulikova@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Growth Substances |
Milec |
Zbyněk |
+420 585 238 712, |
milec@ueb.cas.cz |
Centre of Plant Structural and Functional Genomics |
Moravec |
Tomáš |
+420 225 106 822, +420 603 307 178 |
moravec@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Virology |
Moťková |
Kateřina |
+420225106800, |
motkova@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Plant Biotechnologies |
Motyka |
Václav |
+420 225 106 437, |
vmotyka@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Hormonal Regulations in Plants |
Mrázová |
Zuzana |
+420 233 087 269, |
mrazova@ueb.cas.cz |
External cooperation |
Mrvková |
Michaela |
(RD), |
mrvkova@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Growth Substances |
Mück |
František |
+420 605 475 047, |
muck@ueb.cas.cz |
Centre of Plant Structural and Functional Genomics |
Müller |
Karel |
+420 225 106 435, |
muller@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Hormonal Regulations in Plants |
Náprstková |
Alena |
+420 465 106 452, |
naprstkova@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Pollen Biology |
Navratil |
Petr |
+420 585 238 770, |
navratilp@ueb.cas.cz |
Centre of Plant Structural and Functional Genomics |
Navrátil |
Oldřich |
+420 225 106 822, |
navratil@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Virology |
Němečková |
Alžběta |
+420 728 477 834, |
nemeckova@ueb.cas.cz |
Centre of Plant Structural and Functional Genomics |
Neubauerová |
Ludmila |
+420 225 106 831, |
neubauerova@ueb.cas.cz |
Station of apple breeding for disease resistance |
Nisler |
Jaroslav |
608 122 530, |
jaroslav.nisler@gmail.com |
Isotope Laboratory |
Nová |
Jana |
+420 225 106 487, |
nova@ueb.cas.cz |
Novák |
Ondřej |
+420 585 634 853, |
ondrej.novak@upol.cz |
Laboratory of Growth Substances |
Nový |
Petr |
+420 725 034 870, +420 720 410 699 |
novy@ueb.cas.cz |
Nulíček |
Josef |
+420 225 106 352, +420 225 106 221 |
nulicek@ueb.cas.cz |
Secretariat of director |
Nyine |
Moses |
+420 585 238 728, +420 776 812 443 |
nyine@ueb.cas.cz |
Centre of Plant Structural and Functional Genomics |
Ohnoutková |
Ludmila |
+420 585 634 909, +420 776 857 335 |
ohnoutkova@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Growth Substances |
Oklešťková |
Jana |
+420585634853, |
jana.oklestkova@upol.cz |
Laboratory of Growth Substances |
Ortmannová |
Jitka |
+420 225 106 458, |
ortmannova@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Cell Biology |
Oulehlová |
Denisa |
+420225106458, |
oulehlova@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Cell Biology |
Özdemir |
Zulal |
+224 241 062 184, |
ozdemir@ueb.cas.cz |
Isotope Laboratory |
Pavlík |
Milan |
+420 241 062 476, |
pavlik@ueb.cas.cz |
Isotope Laboratory |
Pečenková |
Tamara |
+420 225 106 449, |
pecenkova@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Cell Biology |
Pejchar |
Přemysl |
+420 225 106 418, 404, |
pejchar@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Signal Transduction |
Pešek |
Bedřich |
+420 225 106 407, +420 225 106 421 |
pesek@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Mass Spectrometry |
Petrášek |
Jan |
+420 225 106 435, |
petrasek@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Hormonal Regulations in Plants |
Petřík |
Ivan |
+420 585 634 812, |
petrik@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Growth Substances |
Petrová |
Šárka |
+420 225 106 805, |
petrova@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Plant Biotechnologies |
Petrovská |
Beáta |
+420 585 238 721, |
petrovska@ueb.cas.cz |
Centre of Plant Structural and Functional Genomics |
Pintová |
Jitka |
+420 225 106 831, |
pintova@ueb.cas.cz |
Station of apple breeding for disease resistance |
Plačková |
Lenka |
+420 585 634 861, |
plackova@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Growth Substances |
Plchová |
Helena |
+420 225 106 819, |
plchova@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Virology |
Pleskot |
Roman |
+420 225 106 457, |
pleskot@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Cell Biology |
Plíhalová |
Lucie |
+420 585 634 940, |
plihalova@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Growth Substances |
Pobořilová |
Zuzana |
+420 225 106 818, |
poborilova@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Virology |
Podlipná |
Radka |
+420 225 106 803, |
podlipna@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Plant Biotechnologies |
Pospíšil |
Jiří |
+420 585 634 784, |
pospisil.j@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Growth Substances |
Pospíšilová |
Jana |
+420 225 106 823, |
pospisilova@ueb.cas.cz |
Editorial Office |
Potocká |
Andrea |
+420 225 106 458, |
potocka@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Cell Biology |
Potocký |
Martin |
+420 225 106 457, |
potocky@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Cell Biology |
Přerostová |
Sylva |
+420 225 106 426, |
prerostova@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Hormonal Regulations in Plants |
Rabochová |
Květoslava |
+420 225 106 831, |
rabochova@ueb.cas.cz |
Station of apple breeding for disease resistance |
Raková |
Kateřina |
+420 225 106 420, 404, |
rakova@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Signal Transduction |
Rambová |
Milena |
+420 225 106 486, |
rambova@ueb.cas.cz |
Rawat |
Anamika |
225 106 449, |
rawat@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Cell Biology |
Reňák |
David |
+420 225 106 451, |
renak@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Pollen Biology |
Retzer |
Katarzyna |
+420 225 106 435, |
retzer@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Hormonal Regulations in Plants |
Rey |
Elodie |
+420 585 238 719, |
rey@ueb.cas.cz |
Centre of Plant Structural and Functional Genomics |
Rezek |
Jan |
+420 225 106 803, +420 225 106 801 |
rezek@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Plant Biotechnologies |
Řezníčková |
Eva |
+420 585 634 853, |
reznickovae@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Growth Substances |
Říhová |
Ludmila |
+420 225 106 831, |
rihova@ueb.cas.cz |
Station of apple breeding for disease resistance |
Rožnovská |
Petra |
+420 224 322 603, |
roznovska@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Pollen Biology |
Růžičková |
Martina |
+420 225 106 458, |
ruzickova@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Cell Biology |
Šafář |
Jan |
+420 585 238 710, |
safar@ueb.cas.cz |
Centre of Plant Structural and Functional Genomics |
Schaabová |
Veronika |
+420 225 106 493, |
schaabova@ueb.cas.cz |
Station of apple breeding for disease resistance |
Schnablová |
Renáta |
+420 225 106 811, |
schnablova@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Virology |
Sedláček |
Pavel |
+420 585 634 851, |
sedlacek@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Growth Substances |
Seifertová |
Marie |
+420 585 238 729, |
seifertovam@ueb.cas.cz |
Centre of Plant Structural and Functional Genomics |
Sekereš |
Juraj |
+420 225 106 457, +420 728 253 045 |
sekeres@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Cell Biology |
Šimková |
Hana |
+420 585 238 715, |
simkovah@ueb.cas.cz |
Centre of Plant Structural and Functional Genomics |
Široká |
Jitka |
+420 585 634 698, |
siroka@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Growth Substances |
Šíša |
Miroslav |
+420 225 106 804, |
sisa@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Plant Biotechnologies |
Skokan |
Roman |
+420 720 289 813, |
skokan@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Hormonal Regulations in Plants |
Skůpa |
Petr |
+420 225 106 425, +420 605 720 378 |
skupa@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Hormonal Regulations in Plants |
Šormová |
Julie |
+420 225 106 816, |
sormova@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Pathological Plant Physiology |
Soudek |
Petr |
+420 225 106 805, +420 605 478 009 |
soudek@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Plant Biotechnologies |
Soukupová |
Hana |
+420 225 106 449, |
soukupova@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Cell Biology |
Špačková |
Jaroslava |
+420 225 106 422, +420 225 106 467 |
spackova@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Biologically Active Compounds |
Šperková |
Romana |
+420 585 205 859, |
sperkova@ueb.cas.cz |
Centre of Plant Structural and Functional Genomics |
Šperková |
Romana |
+420 585 238 729, |
sperkova@ueb.cas.cz |
Centre of Plant Structural and Functional Genomics |
Spíchal |
Lukáš |
+420 585 634 855, |
lukas.spichal@upol.cz |
Laboratory of Growth Substances |
Spoustová |
Petra |
+420 233 320 338, +420 731 300 296 |
spoustova@ueb.cas.cz |
Štangelová |
Pavla |
+420 241 062 484, |
stangelova@ueb.cas.cz |
Isotope Laboratory |
Stehlík |
Daniel |
+420225106817, |
stehlikd@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Pathological Plant Physiology |
Stehlíková |
Zuzana |
doplnit, |
stehlikova@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Pathological Plant Physiology |
Steinbachová |
Lenka |
+420 225 106 451, |
steinbachova@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Pollen Biology |
Štětinová |
Ivana |
+420 225 106 824, |
stetinova@ueb.cas.cz |
Editorial Office |
Stočes |
Štěpán |
+420 585 238 726, |
mervan@centrum.cz |
Centre of Plant Structural and Functional Genomics |
Štorchová |
Helena |
+420 225 106 828, |
storchova@ueb.cas.cz |
Plant Reproduction Laboratory |
Šťovíčková |
Jana |
+420 225 106 449, |
stovickova@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Cell Biology |
Strnad |
Miroslav |
+420 585 634 850, +420 585 634 851 |
miroslav.strnad@upol.cz |
Laboratory of Growth Substances |
Stýblová |
Jana |
+420 225 106 431, |
zabovaj@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Hormonal Regulations in Plants |
Suchánková |
Pavla |
+420 585 238 701, +420 725 816 588 |
suchankova@ueb.cas.cz |
Centre of Plant Structural and Functional Genomics |
Šusteková |
Jana |
241062184, |
sustekova@ueb.cas.cz |
Isotope Laboratory |
Svačina |
Radim |
+420 721 331 622, |
svacina@ueb.cas.cz |
Centre of Plant Structural and Functional Genomics |
Švestková |
Dagmar |
+420 225 106 831, |
svestkova@ueb.cas.cz |
Station of apple breeding for disease resistance |
Svobodová |
Jitka |
+420 225 106 820, |
svobodovaj@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Virology |
Švubová |
Ludmila |
+420 585 238 702, 772, |
svubova@ueb.cas.cz |
Synek |
Lukáš |
+420 225 106 458, |
synek@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Cell Biology |
Synková |
Helena |
+420 225 106 813, +420 385 512 626 |
synkova@ueb.cas.cz |
Editorial Office |
Tarkowská |
Danuše |
+420 585 634 853, |
tarkowska@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Growth Substances |
Toegelová (Staňková) |
Helena |
+420 585 238 716, |
toegelova@ueb.cas.cz |
Centre of Plant Structural and Functional Genomics |
Tomaštíková |
Eva Dvořák |
+420 585 238 722, |
tomastikova@ueb.cas.cz |
Centre of Plant Structural and Functional Genomics |
Trávníčková |
Alena |
+420 225 106 472, +420 225 106 421 |
travnickova@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Mass Spectrometry |
Trdá |
Lucie |
+420225106816, |
trdal@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Pathological Plant Physiology |
Tulpová |
Zuzana |
+420 585 238 716, |
tulpova@ueb.cas.cz |
Centre of Plant Structural and Functional Genomics |
Tušková |
Radomíra |
+420 585 238 729, |
tuskova@ueb.cas.cz |
Centre of Plant Structural and Functional Genomics |
Tvardíková |
Helena |
+420 585 238 729, +420 608 505 161 |
tvardikova@ueb.cas.cz |
Centre of Plant Structural and Functional Genomics |
Urbanová |
Terezie |
doplnit, |
urbanovat@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Growth Substances |
Vágner |
Martin |
+420 225 106 453, 414, +420 776 818 704 |
vagner@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Biologically Active Compounds |
Vágnerová |
Radka |
+420 224 322 603, |
vagnerova@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Pollen Biology |
Valárik |
Miroslav |
+420 585 238 714, |
valarik@ueb.cas.cz |
Centre of Plant Structural and Functional Genomics |
Valdová |
Jitka |
+420 225 106 483, |
valdova@ueb.cas.cz |
Vaněk |
Tomáš |
+420 225 106 832, |
vanek@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Plant Biotechnologies |
Vanková |
Radomíra |
+420 225 106 427, |
vankova@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Hormonal Regulations in Plants |
Váňová |
Jana |
+420 225 106 484, |
vanova@ueb.cas.cz |
Vanžurová |
Hana |
+420 585 238 726, |
vanzurova@ueb.cas.cz |
Centre of Plant Structural and Functional Genomics |
Veverková |
Jarmila |
+420 220 303 842, |
veverkova@ueb.cas.cz |
Station of apple breeding for disease resistance |
Vlk |
Martin |
+420 241 062 485, |
vlkmartin@ueb.cas.cz |
Isotope Laboratory |
Vltavská |
Kateřina |
+420 225 106 411, 404, |
vltavska@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Signal Transduction |
Vobejdová |
Zuzana |
+420 585 238 772, +420 585 238 705 |
vobejdova@ueb.cas.cz |
Centre of Plant Structural and Functional Genomics |
Voller |
Jiří |
+420 585 634 856, |
jirivoller@gmail.com |
Laboratory of Growth Substances |
Vondráková |
Zuzana |
+420 225 106 422, +420 225 106 467 |
vondrakova@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Biologically Active Compounds |
Vrána |
Jan |
+420 585 238 720, |
vrana@ueb.cas.cz |
Centre of Plant Structural and Functional Genomics |
Vukasinovic |
Nemanja |
+420 608 292 883, |
vukasinovic@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Cell Biology |
Vundrle |
Jan |
+420 585 238 772, +420 585 238 705 |
vundrlejan@ueb.cas.cz |
Centre of Plant Structural and Functional Genomics |
Vundrle |
Jaroslav |
+420 585 238 705, +420 585 238 772 |
vundrle1@ueb.cas.cz |
Centre of Plant Structural and Functional Genomics |
Vundrlova |
Jindra |
+420 585 238 730, |
vundrlova@ueb.cas.cz |
Centre of Plant Structural and Functional Genomics |
Vyhlídalová |
Marie |
+420 585 238 730, |
vyhlidalova@ueb.cas.cz |
Centre of Plant Structural and Functional Genomics |
Vylíčil |
Jakub |
+420 728 479 630, |
vylicil@ueb.cas.cz |
External cooperation |
Walterová |
Jana |
+420 225 106 827, +420 225 106 834 |
walterova@ueb.cas.cz |
Plant Reproduction Laboratory |
Weiserová |
Jitka |
+420 585 238 729, |
weiserova@ueb.cas.cz |
Centre of Plant Structural and Functional Genomics |
Wilhelmová |
Naďa |
+420 225 106 814, +420 776 074 954 |
wilhelmova@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Virology |
Wimmer |
Zdeněk |
+420 241 062 457, |
wimmer@biomed.cas.cz |
Isotope Laboratory |
Wimmerová |
Martina |
241062457, |
wimmerova@ueb.cas.cz |
Isotope Laboratory |
Zahajská |
Lenka |
+420 241 062 184, |
zahajska@biomed.cas.cz |
Isotope Laboratory |
Žárský |
Viktor |
+420 225 106 457, |
zarsky@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Cell Biology |
Záveská Drábková |
Lenka |
+420 225 106 451, |
l.zaveska.drabkova@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Pollen Biology |
Zažímalová |
Eva |
+420 225 106 429, |
zazimalova@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Hormonal Regulations in Plants |
Zemanová |
Veronika |
+420 241 062 481, |
zemanova@ueb.cas.cz |
Isotope Laboratory |
Zima |
Jan |
+420 485 177 430, |
zima@ueb.cas.cz |
Station of apple breeding for disease resistance |
Žižková |
Eva |
+420 225 106 436, |
zizkovae@ueb.cas.cz |
Laboratory of Hormonal Regulations in Plants |
Zwyrtková |
Jana |
+420 585 238 728, |
zwyrtkova@ueb.cas.cz |
Centre of Plant Structural and Functional Genomics |