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Volume 53, Issue 3, 2004



Professor Vratislav Schreiber, M.D., D.Sc. celebrates his 80th birthday anniversary.
L. Stárka (Inst. Endocrinol., Prague, Czech Republic)


Human ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporters and lipoprotein metabolism.
J. Štefková, R. Poledne, J.A. Hubáček (Lab. Atherosclerosis Res., Inst. Clin. Exp. Med., Prague, Czech Republic)

Calprotectin – a pleiotropic molecule in acute and chronic inflammation.
I. Stříž, I. Trebichavský (Dept. Immunol., Inst. Clin. Exp. Med., Prague, Czech Republic)

Endothelium-dependent responses in small human mesenteric arteries.
A. Tøttrup, K. Kraglund (Dept. Surg. L, Univ. Hosp. Aarhus, Aarhus C, Denmark)

Does Cd36 gene play a key role in disturbed glucose and fatty acid metabolism in Prague hypertensive hypertriglyceridemic rats?
M. Kadlecová, J. Čejka, J. Zicha, J. Kuneš (Inst. Physiol., Acad. Sci. Czech Rep., Prague, Czech Republic)

Selectins and monocyte chemotactic peptide as the markers of atherosclerosis activity.
M. Bláha, J. Krejsek, V. Bláha, J. Andrýs, D. Vokurková, J. Malý, M. Blažek, M. Skořepová (Second Intern. Clin., Dept. Hematol., Inst. Clin. Immunol. Allergol., Hradec Králové, Czech Republic)

Anti-GAD-positive patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus have higher prevalence of autoimmune thyroiditis than anti-GAD-negative patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus.
H. Bárová, J. Perušičová, M. Hill, I. Šterzl, K. Vondra, Z. Mašek (Ctr. Diabetol., Third Dept. Med., First Fac. Med., Charles Univ., Prague, Czech Republic)

What may be the markers of the male equivalent of polycystic ovary syndrome?
M. Dušková, I. Čermáková, M. Hill, M. Vaňková, P. Šámalíková, L. Stárka (Inst. Endocrinol., Prague, Czech Republic)

Resolution of Gsα and Gqα/G11α proteins in membrane domains by two-dimensional electrophoresis: the effect of long-term agonist stimulation.
P. Matoušek, J. Novotný, P. Svoboda (Inst. Physiol., Acad. Sci. Czech Rep., Prague, Czech Republic)

Glycerophosphate-dependent hydrogen peroxide production by rat liver mitochondria.
P. Ješina, D. Kholová, R. Bolehovská, Z. Červinková, Z. Drahota, J. Houštěk (Ctr. Integrated Genomics, Inst. Physiol., Acad. Sci. Czech Rep., Prague, Czech Republic)

Capacity of ascorbyl palmitate to produce the ascorbyl radical in vitro: an electron spin resonance investigation.
M. Pokorski, B. Gonet (Dept. Respir. Res., Med. Res. Ctr., Polish Acad. Sci., Warsaw, Poland)

Rat submandibular gland during the maturation process: changes in enzyme activities, protein and lectin-binding profiles.
M. Przybyło, A. Lityńska, D. Hoja-Łukowicz, E. Kremser (Dept. Anim. Physiol., Inst. Zool., Jagiellonian Univ., Kraków, Poland)

Pancreatic islets isolation using different protocols with in situ flushing and intraductal collagenase injection.
A. Kinasiewicz, M. Juszczak, J. Pachecka, P. Fiedor (Inst. Biocybernetics Biomed. Engineering, Polish Acad. Sci., Warsaw, Poland)

Cell cycle alteration, apoptosis and response of leukemic cell lines to gamma radiation with high- and low-dose rate.
J. Vávrová, M. Mareková-Řezáčová, D. Vokurková, J. Psutka (Inst. Radiobiol. Immunol., Purkyně Milit. Med. Acad., Hradec Králové, Czech Republic)

Changes in the number of nitrergic neurons following kainic acid administration and repeated long-term hypoxia.
P. Benešová, M. Langmeier, J. Betka, S. Trojan (Inst. Physiol., First Fac. Med., Charles Univ., Prague, Czech Republic)

GABAB receptor agonist baclofen has non-specific antinociceptive effect in the model of peripheral neuropathy in rat.
M. Franěk, Š. Vaculín, R. Rokyta (Third Fac. Med., Dept. Normal, Pathol. Clin. Physiol., Charles Univ., Prague, Czech Republic)

This number was  issued in June 2004

© 2004 by the Institute of Physiology, Czech Academy of Sciences