Call for tenders to fill the post of the Institute’s Director
The Council of the Institute of Computer Science of the Czech Academy of Sciences, p. r. i. – a public research institution (hereafter the acronym ICS CAS) hereby announces a call for tenders to fill the post of the Institute’s Director.
- scientific activity in some of the main areas of the Institute’s research,
- organizational abilities and managerial skills,
- active knowledge of English, other linguistic skills are welcome,
- university education and scientific qualification in some of the main areas the Insti-tute’s research,
- legal capacity to act1),
- moral integrity,
- integrity pursuant to § 17 Section 4 Letters b) and c) of the Act No. 341/2005 Coll., on public research institutions, as amended,
- compliance with the conditions pursuant to Act No. 451/1991 Coll., laying down some other prerequisites for the performance of some functions in state administra-tion authorities and organizations of the Czech and Slovak Federative Republic, the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic, as amended (does not apply to can-didates who are not citizens of the Czech Republic).
The Director of the Institute must not be a member of the managing or supervisory bod-ies of legal entities performing business and should not be involved in business per-formed by legal entities operating in domains constituting the subject of the Institute’s activities. The above-mentioned limitations do not apply to the management of own property (§ 17 Section 6 of the Act No. 341/2005 Coll.).
Anticipated term of office: from June 1, 2017 until May 31, 2022 or until the date of an eventual completion of a merger with another Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences.2)
Applications and their annexes should be submitted in writing in the Czech and Eng-lish languages.
The application must contain the following:
- a structured CV,
- documents on completed university education and scientific qualification,
- an overview of candidate’s hitherto practice,
- a list of main scientific work and publications,
- a concept of the management of the Institute and direction of its activities, including the future development of the Institute; the concept should take into consideration potential merger with other Institutes of the Czech Academy of Sciences2)
- a statement of Criminal Records, not older than 3 months1),
- an affirmation of moral integrity pursuant to § 17 Section 4 Letter c) of the Act No. 341/2005 Coll.1).
1) Candidate, who is not a citizen of the Czech Republic, shall add an affirmation prov-ing his/her compliance with the conditions pursuant to § 17 Section 4 of the Act No. 341/2005 Coll.
2) The Academic Council of the Czech Academy of Sciences has commissioned the incumbent Directors of both Institutes with the task of preparing a draft for an eventual merger of the ICS CAS and the Institute of the Theory of Information and Automation of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. In case of consent with the mer-ger, given by both institutes’ Councils, start of deliberations of such a merger may be anticipated at the spring Academic Assembly of the Czech Academy of Sciences.
The selected candidate shall prove his/her compliance with the given conditions pur-suant to Act No. 451/1991 Coll. into the hands of the President of the Academy of Sci-ences of the Czech Republic, by the day of his/her appointment to the post of the Di-rector of the Institute at the latest.
Applications must be delivered to the hands of Mrs. Dagmar Harmancová, Secretary of the Council of the Institute of Computer Science of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Pod Vodárenskou věží 2, 182 07 Prague 8, by 3:00 p.m. on January 12, 2017 at the latest.
Your envelope should be marked „Výběrové řízení Ř2017“
Postdoctoral position at the Institute of Computer Science CAS in Prague, Czech Republic
The Institute of Computer Science (ICS) of The Czech Academy of Sciences is offering a time-limited position for an outstanding and enthusiastic researcher, PhD holder, from all over the world, willing to join the scientific team of the ICS (
We are looking for candidates with a strong background in mathematical logic, preferably with some working knowledge in the field of non-classical logics, to work on a specific research project Modelling Vague Quantifiers in Mathematical Fuzzy Logic (a joint project involving the ICS team and our partners from the Institute of Information Theory and Automation (Czech Academy of Sciences) and Vienna University of Technology.
- Starting date: January 1, 2017 or upon agreement.
- End date: December 31, 2017 (end of project).
- Monthly gross salary: about 38 000 CZK (see Cost Of Living Comparison)
Applications will be accepted until the position is filled.
The applications are to be sent to and should contain:
- Curriculum Vitae.
- Research plan for the fellowship, including brief description of applicant’s research interests and their relevance to project.
- Optional recommendation letters – at most one from ICS and at most one from the applicant’s current affiliation. The referees should send their recommendations directly to
Applicants must:
- Have completed the PhD before starting the grant (a proof will be requested).
- Have a strong background in mathematical logic and a publication record, commensurate with opportunity and experience.
- Be fluent in English.
This is a full-time fixed term contract appointment.
For further information please contact
Petr Cintula
Principal investigator of the project
Výzkumné pozice pro doktorandy
Ústav informatiky AV ČR vypisuje od 1. 1. 2017 v rámci projektu GAČR zaměřeného na metaučení několik výzkumných pozic pro doktorandy na částečný úvazek v rozmezí 0.25−0.5. O pozice se mohou ucházet studenti některého z informatických nebo matematických doktorských studijních programů nebo ti, kteří do takového programu v roce 2017 přejdou z magisterského studia.
- Zájem o problematiku metaučení.
- Prokazatelné zkušenosti s některou z následujících oblastí: neurodata, multimediální data, gaussovské procesy.
- Prokazatelná schopnost publikovat v angličtině.
V případě zájmu je třeba přihlášku do konkurzu spolu s CV a seznamem publikací doručit personálnímu oddělení Ústavu informatiky nebo elektronicky na adresu Uzávěrka přihlášek je 15. prosince, uchazeči budou pozváni k osobnímu pohovoru v první polovině následujícího týdne.
Bližší informace k vypsaným pozicím podá zodpovědný řešitel projektu, Martin Holeňa (
CAS–ICS postdoctoral position
The Institute of Computer Science (ICS) of the
Czech Academy of Sciences (CAS) invites outstanding and enthusiastic junior researchers, PhD holders, to
apply for a postdoc position funded jointly by CAS and ICS.
- Each position is of 12–24 months duration.
- Application deadlines: yearly 30. March and 30. August.
- Starting date: the following 1. July or 1. January.
- This is a full-time fixed term contract appointment. Part time contract possible if taking care
of a child.
- Monthly gross salary: about 30 600 CZK offered by the Czech Academy of Sciences.
Cost Of Living Comparison
- Additional bonuses offered by the Institute of Computer Sciences:
- Salary bonus of up to 10 000 CZK per month, depending on qualifications and experience.
- Travel package for the total duration: up to 50 000 CZK for conferences and research
- Reallocation package for fellows coming from abroad: 10 000 CZK plus 10 000 CZK for
family (spouse and/or children).
- No teaching duties
- Applicants must:
- Have obtained a PhD during the last 2 years (prior to the starting date); some exception
may be granted if time spent on parental leave.
- Be fluent in English.
- The applications are to be sent to and should contain:
- Curriculum Vitae.
- Brief description of applicant’s research interests and of intended research plan during
the fellowship highlighting possible cooperation inside the institute.
- Three letters of recommendation – at most one from the Institute of Computer Science and
at most one from the applicant’s current affiliation. The referees should send their
recommendations directly to
- A proof of their degree.
For further information and informal enquiries please contact
Michal Chytil
The J. E. Purkyně Fellowship
The objective of the J. E. Purkyně Fellowship is to attract outstanding creative scientists from abroad
to work in research institutes of the Czech Academy of Sciences, both Czech scientists working abroad
for a long-time period and top foreign scientists, usually under forties, that are to be ensured
adequate financial evaluation at CAS Institutes. The Fellowship is granted for a maximum of five years.
Applications for the J. E. Purkyně Fellowship are submitted by the directors of the Institutes of the CAS
after consultation with and on the basis of a recommendation by the Board of the Institute. Applications
should be submitted until August 31 of the calendar year and will be reviewed at the latest in the
fourth quarter of the calendar year. For more information, see below the current version of the
Directive of Academy Council of CAS No. 7/2013.
For further information and informal enquiries please contact
Michal Chytil
AVAST Fellowship at the Institute of Computer Science CAS in Prague, Czech Republic
The Institute of Computer Science (ICS) of The Czech Academy of Sciences in cooperation with AVAST Software (AVAST) is offering a fellowship for an outstanding and enthusiastic researcher, PhD holder, from all over the world, open to cooperation with some of the scientific teams of the ICS ( and with AVAST research teams.
This is a continuation of the AVAST Fellowship program, which started two years ago. As a recognition of its success, funding for a new fellowship was made available.
Are you interested in computer science, machine learning or data science? Are you attracted by applications in computer security? We are looking for candidates interested in basic and applied research motivated by the need to protect users from the increasingly sophisticated malware ecosystem. You will join a team of ICS and AVAST researchers and focus on developing strategies to combat malware proliferation. Promising methods you develop will be implemented in systems that protect and affect over 230 million users.
Publishing research findings through scientific reports, research proposals and scientific papers is envisaged, taking into account spheres of free and protected research specified by AVAST (due to the nature of the research and sensitivity of the data).
The Fellow will have an opportunity to contribute to a range of projects including machine learning applications in computer security and big data analysis of data collected from hundreds of millions of samples from our global user base.
The fellowship is of at least 12 months duration, a longer period based on the applicant´s research plan can be agreed during evaluation of the candidates. Prolongation is possible.
Starting date: September 1, 2016 or upon agreement, but not later than December 31, 2016.
Applications will be accepted until the position is filled.
The applications are to be sent to and should contain:
- Curriculum Vitae.
- Research plan for the fellowship, including brief description of applicant’s research interests and their relevance to computer security in general and malware detection in particular.
- Three recommendation letters – at most one from ICS and at most one from the applicant’s current affiliation. The referees should send their recommendations directly to
Applicants must:
- Have completed the PhD before starting the grant (a proof will be requested).
- Have obtained a PhD degree during the last 10 years (prior to the application deadline) in Computer Science, Mathematics, Engineering or other related discipline, and have a strong publication record, commensurate with opportunity and experience.
- Be fluent in English.
This is a full-time fixed term contract appointment.
For further information please contact
Michal Chytil
AVAST Software (, maker of the most trusted antivirus in the world, protects nearly 230 million people, computers and mobile devices with its security applications. In business for over 25 years, AVAST is one of the pioneers in the computer security business, with a portfolio covering everything from free antivirus for PC, Mac, and Android, to premium suites and services for both consumers and business. In addition to being top-ranked by consumers on popular download portals worldwide, AVAST is certified by, among others, VB100, AV-Comparatives, AV-Test, OPSWAT, ICSA Labs, and West Coast Labs.