The Institute of Computer Science of the Czech Academy of Sciences is a basic research institute whose long-term mission is twofold:
To perform research reflecting current trends in theory and applications of computer science with aspirations to co-determine the trends.
To transfer the respective knowledge to society or, more specifically, to scientific community, to students, and to R&D application domains.
Weather report and air quality report for Europe and Czech republic. Project of ICS since 2002.
The weather forecast is based on the numeric weather prediction model MM5 of PSU/NCAR. For a detailed information see the Homepage of MM5. The forecasts of pollutant concentration is done with the help of the Chemistry transport model CAMx (ENVIRON Corp.) A new version based on the WRF model is in preparation.
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182 07 Praha 8
Phone (+420) 266 052 083
Fax (+420) 286 585 789