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15. 6. 2016, Yvon Jaillais: A PI4P-driven electrostatic field controls cell membrane identity and signaling in plants

15. 6. 2016, Yvon Jaillais: A PI4P-driven electrostatic field controls cell membrane identity and signaling in plants
St, 15.06.2016 - 14:00 - 15:30

Vážené kolegyně, vážení kolegové,
dovolujeme si vás pozvat na přednášku. Ve středu 15. 6. 2016 přednese Yvon Jaillais z Laboratory of Plant Development and Reproduction, Ecole Normale Superieure of Lyon, France přednášku na téma A PI4P-driven electrostatic field controls cell membrane identity and signaling in plants“. Přednáška se koná od 14:00 v čítárně budovy B1 ÚEB v Lysolajích. Yvon Jaillais (http://www.ens-lyon.fr/RDP/SiCE/RK.html) je hostem Laboratoře buněčné biologie.
Dear colleagues,
We cordially invite you to a lecture of Yvon Jaillais from Laboratory of Plant Development and Reproduction, Ecole Normale Superieure of Lyon, France which will be held on Wednesday, on June 15th at 14:00 in the reading room of the building B1 of the Institute of Experimental Botany, Lysolaje. The title of the lecture is „A PI4P-driven electrostatic field controls cell membrane identity and signaling in plants ". Yvon Jaillais (http://www.ens-lyon.fr/RDP/SiCE/RK.html) is guest of the Laboratory of Cell Biology, IEB.
