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11 Dec 10 - 6 Feb 20
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Topical Problems of Fluid Mechanics 2011

Institute of Thermomechanics AS CR, Dolejškova 5, Prague, February 16–17, 2011

The aim of the conference is to discuss contemporary problems of fluid mechanics and to bring out latest results obtained in the course of solution of grant projects supported by grant agencies in Czech Republic and abroad. The attendance of experts from the academician institutes, technical universities and from the other research institutions is assumed. The official languages of the conference are English and Czech.

Filled in Registration Form (incl. a short abstract of offered contribution) should be sent to the Conference Secretary by January 17, 2011. Proposed contributions will be selected for oral presentation or for poster sessions with regards to the scope and language of presentation. Participant can mark preferred type of presentation at the Registration Form.

The total period reserved per paper in the programme is 15 minutes. Each lecture will be followed by time for discussion (5 minutes). Posters will be displayed during the entire conference. Time for discussion will be scheduled in the programme. The instructions for preparation of posters will be provided as an enclosure. Submission of camera-ready contributions (concerning both lectures and posters) to be reprinted in Proceedings of the conference is due by January 28, 2011. The requirements for layout of manuscripts are enclosed. The contribution should be written on 2 or 4 pages A4 (even number of pages only, please!). Manuscripts which do not conform to the instructions or which exceed the permitted length cannot be accepted. E-mail submissions are encouraged in the .doc or .pdf formats.

Registration form: DOC PDF
Manuscript template: DOC PDF

The registration fee paid by bank transfer before January 31, 2011 is 3.200 CZK or equivalent sum in EUR (including 20% VAT) or 3.400 CZK (including 20% VAT) or equivalent sum in EUR after January 31, 2011 or at the registration desk in cash. The fee covers organisation expenses, one copy of the Proceedings, two lunches and coffee breaks.

Bank account of the Institute of Thermomechanics AS CR. v. v. i.:
Československa obchodní banka a.s., Praha 8, Ke Stírce 50
Account No. 101289018/0300,
ENTRY 791138, SWIFT: CEKOCZPP; IBAN: CZ12 0300 0000 0001 0128 9018; CODE 355

Registration of participants begins from 7.30 a.m. on Wednesday, February 16, 2011.
There is a possibility to book rooms in the Hotel Excellent and the Pension M in the vicinity of the Institute of Thermomechanics. Due to the small capacity of these hotels, prompt booking is advisable. You can contact them on these web sites and to settle your acommodation:

We shall appreciate if you should kindly inform your colleagues on this scientific meeting.
Looking forward to meeting you in Prague

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Prof. J. Příhoda (Institute of Thermomechanics AS CR)
Prof. K. Kozel (Czech Technical University in Prague)
Prof. Ph. Fraunié (LSEET/CNRS Toulon)

Secretary: Hana Plavcová

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