Ivo Dolezel, Martin Skopek, Bohus Ulrych
Electric circuit theory based model of the pulsed induction accelerator, 337–352
Karel Zeman
Dynamic properties of induction motor fed from voltage convertor, 353–364
Viktor Pekarek
Participation of matter waves in transporting heat energy by electromagnetic radiation, 365–374
Miroslav Hlavacek
Synovial fluid filtration by articular cartilage with a worn-out surface
zone in the human ankle joint during walking. Part II: Numerical results for steady pure sliding, 375–396
Pavel Solin
On a mesh generation technique based on a special smoothing procedure
for uniform inner point distribution, 397–417
Czeslaw Sajdak, Roman Przylucki
Temperature field at stationary induction heating of flat charges, 419–428
Vilma Polouckova, Karel Milicka
Constant structure creep in aluminium and two its solid solutions.
Part I: Al-13.7Zn and Al-5.5Mg solid solutions, 429–454