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First screen

Required files: halpha.tab, atlas_ha.dat, hbeta.tab, atlas_hb.dat, eventually analogic files for other spectral lines.

Data necessary to continue to the next screen: profiles from calibration wedges (three at least), profile of quiet sun, coordinates of the solar region and heliographic latitude of the center of the solar disk.

What to do: First of all you must fill in the region which the profiles should be taken from, by pressing the "range for profiles" button (only x positions x1 and x2, x1 < x2). Then use the "number of profile" button for choosing which wedge you are going to mark. Getting of the profile is executed by pressing left mouse button in the middle of demanded wedge. The profile will appear in corresponding window. You are allowed to skip the wedges while extracting the profiles. In the end fill in the coordinates ("coordinates button") and choose which spectral region you are going to work with ("spectral line" button).

Second screen

Data necessary to continue to the next screen: x positions of points which will be used for creating the calibration curve (one at least).

What to do: In the second screen you will see two profiles. The white one is the profile of quiet sun you have chosen in the first screen and the second one is profile from atlas, which is used for calculating the dispersion coefficients. The aim is to shift and extend the atlas profile (with the help of sliders), so that the spectral lines will have the same positions in both profiles. The next step is to fill in the positions of points which will be used for calibration.

Third screen

In the third screen you can see:

The calibrated image is saved as 'name_c.fts' where 'name' is the name of the processed file.