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Hesperoferus machadoi (Sama et Schurmann, 1983)
[= Trichoferus machadoi Sama et Schurmann, 1983]

Hesperoferus machadoi
[Photo © M.Hoskovec]

Hesperoferus machadoi (Sama & Schurmann, 1983; ❖), one of interesting endemic taxa of Canary Islands, is polyphagous beetle with larval development in broad spectrum of herbaceous plants and shrubs (Artemisia, Chrysanthemum, Argyranthemum, Lavandula, Carlina). Species is attacking relatively healthy living plants.

Body length:10 - 15 mm
Life cycle:2 years
Adults in:July - August
Host plant:polyphagous species
Distribution:a species endemic to Canary Islands - Tenerife

The depicted beetles were reared from larvae collected in Tamaimo (NE of Puerto de Santiago, West Tenerife, Canary Islands).

Collected by M.Rejzek

Sama G. and Schurmann P.:
Trichoferus machadoi n. sp. delle Isole Canarie.
Rivista piemontese di Storia naturale 4: 61-65, 1983. [download pdf icon]

Subfamilia: Cerambycinae Latreille, 1802
Tribus: Hesperophanini Mulsant, 1839
Genus: Hesperoferus Demelt, 1971
Species: Hesperoferus machadoi (Sama et Schurmann, 1983)