O. Cârjă, Department of Mathematics, Al. I. Cuza University, Iaşi 700 506 and Octav Mayer Mathematics Institute, Romanian Academy, Iaşi 700 506, Romania, e-mail: ocarja@uaic.ro; A. I. Lazu, Department of Mathematics, Gh. Asachi Technical University, 11 Blvd Carol I, Iaşi 700 506, Romania, e-mail: vieru_alina@yahoo.com
Abstract: The paper presents an existence result for global solutions to the finite dimensional differential inclusion $y' \in F( y) ,$ $F$ being defined on a closed set $K.$ A priori bounds for such solutions are provided.
Keywords: differential inclusion, global solution, a priori bound
Classification (MSC 2010): 34A60, 34C11
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