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Heart ventricular depolarization

Conventional 12-lead ECG devices create most of the important basic measurements for heart pathology differentiation.  Entirely new possibilities can be provided by a high dynamic and frequency range ECG (HFECG 150–2000 Hz) followed by new analytical procedures.
MediSig focus on depolarization analysis began in 2013, since we designed methods and software which are able to precisely identify very weak electrocardiographic potentials, to enable ventricular dyssynchrony quantification. 
The HFECG is based on a top-level acquisition system. Such an acquisition system allows us to analyze weak signals of QRS complex (up to 2000 Hz), that are about 100 dB below QRS signals analyzed in commonly used frequency band (up to 100 Hz). Signals in higher frequencies represent completely new information about depolarization. They provide detailed information about action potential distribution and about myocardial homogeneity. HFECG creates a challenge for the application of new signal processing methodologies, hitherto unused in the diagnosis of cardiac diseases and ventricular electro-mechanical research.
The action potentials of heart ventricles contractive cells during the depolarization phase generate specific energy when sodium channels open. This energy is characterized by a sharp change in voltage and current, and acts as an ultra-high-frequency transmitter. UHF-ECG technology is capable of measuring these very week potentials (tens of nV). The energy of these potentials is more than a million times smaller than the energy of ECG. The evolution of these potentials in the chest leads can localize spatial and temporal distribution of the electrical depolarization activation of left and right ventricles. While depolarization initiates myocardial cell contraction, the UHF-ECG is the only method that creates a direct link between electrical and mechanical heart activity. Both experimental and clinical outcomes are extremely important.
The MediSig team covers the design and implementation of new technologies. Including: a high dynamic acquisition system, new software for the analysis of UHF-ECG, interpretation of results and diagnostic applications.