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Research Activities at the LNEC Structures Department

Prednášející: Rogerio Bairrao, Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics Division (NESDE), Lisabon, Portugalsko
Datum: 27. května 2010 (čtvrtek), 15:00-16:00
Místo: Ústav termomechaniky AV ČR, v. v. i., Dolejškova 5, Praha, zasedací místnost A

Zveme Vás na dvojici po sobě jdoucích přednášek:

1. Unified Micro-Macro-Models and Finite Element Computations of Mono- and Polycrystalline Cyclic Martensitic Phase Transformations
Erwin Stein a Gautam Sagar
Institute of Mechanics and Computational Mechanics, Leibniz Universität Hannover, Německo

2. Research Activities at the LNEC Structures Department

Rogerio Bairrao
External Relations Advisor to the Head of the Structures Department
Treasurer of the Portuguese Association for Earthquake Engineering
Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics Division (NESDE), Lisabon, Portugalsko

Anotace 2. přednášky (anotaci první přednášky zobrazíte klepnutím zde):
LNEC’s activity is basically focused on the quality and safety of works, on the protection and rehabilitation of both the natural and the built patrimony, as well as on the technological modernisation and innovation in the building sector, from the viewpoints of preservation and upgrading of the natural and built environment.

Research is developed at LNEC on the basis of four-year research plans. The Planned Research Programme under way (PIP 2005-2008) includes seven cross-programme themes: Environment and Sustainability, Risk and Safety, Maintenance and Re-qualification, Observation and Instrumentation, Quality in Construction, Human Factors and Socio-Economics, Information Technologies and Expert systems.

Apart from planned research activities, of a significant strategic interest, and other than the provision of science and technology services to public and private bodies, both national and foreign, within the framework of a technological advisory activity, LNEC has always regarded the dissemination of knowledge as one of its noblest assignments, thus contributing to innovation and technological transfer, and ultimately aiming at the fulfilment of the public interests.

In fact, the extensive LNEC patrimony in terms of knowledge, professional competence and experience, associated with LNEC’s commitment to uphold the public interest in a capable, reliable and unbiased way, are a warranty of LNEC’s participation in the challenges faced by our society in the fields of engineering systems, building construction, environment and, in particular, in the areas related with large public engineering projects.

We firmly believe – and as has been demonstrated by recent practice -, that LNEC’s activity undoubtedly represents an added value, both for the Central and Local Administration and for the companies, by ensuring the adoption of the best engineering practices, from a modern and synergic interdisciplinary perspective.

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