Outstanding basic research of two our young researchers will by supported by Neuron Impulse 2017 grants for chemistry:
Dr. hab. Lukasz Cwiklik, Ph.D.
for research of Dry eye syndrome (more info in interview in Czech).

Lukasz Cwiklik was awarded for his research about dry eye syndrom. This disease appear when the thin tear film that covers the surface of cornea allowing for a proper vision is disrupted. By using microengineered models of tear film combined with advanced computational techniques, he is looking for new therapeutics to fight the dry eye syndrome.
Maksym Opanasenko, Ph.D. (in category to 33 years)
for project Intelligent design of sustained nanolayered zeolite-polymer composites (more info in short english announcement).

The goal of Maksym Opanasenko´s project is the design of solid polymer-zeolite nanocomposites mimicking the homogeneous catalytic systems. Integration of soluble polymers and zeolite nanosheets of unit cell thickness will produce materials having high potential for application in catalysis.
List of 48 young scientists awarded by Neuron Impuls in period 2011-2017.
Two researchers from Heyrovsky Institute were awarded also in 2016: Otakar Frank for physics and Pavla Eliášová for chemistry (in category to 33 years).

More info about NEURON.
Text and photos: K. Stejskalová and V. Zelenková (Archive JHI)