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2013-06-28 EU PROJECT MEETING - 4G-PHOTOCAT Consorcium Meeting in Prague (28.6.)

4G-PHOTOCAT (project "Fourth generation photocatalysts: Nano-engineered composites for water decontamination in low-cost paintable photoreactors" ) is a collaborative research project for Specific International Cooperation Actions (SICA) to promote the participation of emerging economies and developing countries from the Southeast Asian region. It is supported by the European Commission's Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development (FP7).

4G-PHOTOCAT allies the expertise of 7 academic and 3 industrial partners from 5 EU countries (Germany, United Kingdom, Czech Republic, Poland, and Finland) and 2 Southeast Asian countries (Malaysia and Vietnam) for the development of a novel generation of low-cost nano-engineered photocatalysts for sunlight-driven water purification in paintable photoreactors.


4G-PHOTOCAT is a three-years research project started on 01.01.2013.

Dr. Jaromír Jirkovský from the Department of Electrochemical Materials is a scientist leading the research team of JHI, responsible for the solving of the project.

June 28, 2013 - Consorcium Meeting in Prague


Photos: Květa Stejskalová, archive JHI


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