Conference: Scientists and “Third World Countries” in the 1960s to 1980s

Datum konání: 
23. 11. 2017, 0:00 to 24. 11. 2017, 0:00

kkvrz.jpg?itok=pADv10go We would like to invite you to the international conference

Scientists and “Third World Countries” in the 1960s to 1980s,

held in Vila Lanna (V Sadech 1, Prague 6) between 23 – 24 November 2017.

The conference is organized by Masaryk Institute and Archives of the Czech Academy of Sciences, with support from the Strategy AV21 Programme – Forms and Functions of Communication.


The conference focuses on the period starting in the 1960s, which saw great political and economic changes in the so-called “Third World Countries”. The process of decolonization, the emergence of independent countries created from former colonies and UN mandates and the efforts of other countries to break away from their dependence on Western powers, the nationalization of industry, whether oil fields in the Middle East or the Suez Canal in Egypt, brought a change in the political orientation of large areas of Asia and Africa. The situation in Cuba had a very specific development. The newly formed independent countries found themselves in the grip of the fight between Soviet and American influence.

The papers should particularly look at areas with inclinations toward the Soviet bloc countries, which ultimately brought not only great economic investments, procurement of weapons and factories, but also the possibility to provide scientific contacts, scholarships, participation in scientific congresses, as well as the need to ensure top-quality education in those countries by sending experts to selected universities. Papers by contemporaries and on topics dealing generally with the issues of the theory of scientific assistance to Third World Countries are also welcome.



  • doctors, engineers and technicians at universities and in everyday practice,
  • social sciences and language courses in developing countries,
  • study trips and major congresses,
  • scientists and their families in the Orient,
  • everyday work in a foreign country,
  • source base – letters and diaries of key stakeholders,
  • personal experience of the Orient,
  • scientists and European communities abroad,
  • and other topics related to these issues.


On behalf of the organizers:

Adéla Jůnová Macková, Ph.D.
AProf. Martin Franc, Ph.D.


The conference languages is English (German). Abstracts in either language (200 to 250 words) should be submitted before 30 May 2017, please include also your contact address; participants will be informed on the results of the selection process by 30 June 2017.


Please submit your abstract before 30 May 2017 to Adéla Jůnová Macková,

Masaryk Institute and Archives of the CAS
Gabčíkova 10/2362
182 00  Prague 8
Czech Rep.


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