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Scanning Tunneling Microscopy

Dr. Vitalii Stetsovych

No contacting metal tip over a conducting surface, tunneling current between the sample and tip
  • Constant current mode- changing the position/height of the tip over the surface –image of the surface, atomic precision
  • Constant height mode- changing the voltage between the tip and the sample - scanning tunneling spectrum

VT-STM by Omicron
Conductive Samples, atomic resolution
Working temperature range: 50K - 300 K;
LHe or LN2 cryostat;
Scan range X/Y/: 15μm x 15μm;
Z-resolution: atomic resolution - material dependent
Tunneling current: < 1pA – 300nA;

Gap voltage: ±5mV to ±10V; applied to tip, sample grounded;
UHV chamber 10-10 - 10-11 mbar; ¨*in situ* sample preparation - sputtering/thermal/deposition;
Sample thermal treatment in preparation stage through direct or resistive heating up to 1300K

Reservation Dr. V. Stetsovych: stetsovychvatfzu [dot] cz