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2014-12-22 AWARD - Dr. Jozef Lengyel- finalist of DCP Doctoral Thesis Award (Dec 2014)

Americal Physical Society - Division of Chemical Physics:

Winner and Finalists of the Inaugural DCP Doctoral Thesis Award Competition

The two finalists for this award are:

Dr. Jozef Lengyel for his dissertation, “Ice Nanoparticles in Molecular Beam: Nucleation and Reactivity,” which he wrote under the direction of Prof. Michal Fárník at the J. Heyrovský Institute of Physical Chemistry, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic;

Dr. Zhu Liang for her dissertation, “A Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Study of Atomic Carbon and Nitrogen on Pt(111),” which she wrote unde the direction of Prof. Michael Trenary at the University of Illinois at Chicago.

The winner of the first DCP Doctoral Thesis Award is Dr. Alexander J. White for his dissertation, “Electron Transport, Energy Transfer, and Optical Response in Single Molecule Junctions,” which he wrote under the direction of Prof. Michael Gelperin the University of California, San Diego.

All three will present their work at the DCP Prize Symposium of the March Meeting in San Antonio on Wednesday, March 6, 2015, at 11:30 am in Room 204.

More information read on the web page of Americal Physical Society.

Photos - J. Lengyel in laboratory of clusters....
(archive JHI: K. Stejskalová)

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