Original Articles
Physiol. Res. 43: 1-5, 1994;
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Thyroid hormone responses during an 8-hour
period following aerobic and anaerobic exercise.
A.C. Hackney, B.A. Gulledge (Exerc. Lab., Gen. Clin. Res.
Ctr, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC, U.S.A.)
Physiol. Res. 43: 7-18, 1994;
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Interspike intervals of secondaiy
muscle spindle and urinaiy bladder afferents in relation to
the oscillation periods of sacral spinal oscillators for
continence in man.
G. Schalow, U. Bersch, D. K. Gôcking (Schweizer Paraplegiker-Zentrum,
Nottwil, Switzerland)
Physiol. Res. 43: 19-26, 1994;
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The effect of dietary protein and sucrose on the diabetic rat
V. Chorváthová, J. Babala, K. Šimončič, P. Bobek, M.
Jurčovičová (Res. Inst. Nutr., Bratislava, Slovak Republic)
Physiol. Res. 43: 27-31, 1994;
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The effect of risperidone and ritanserin on human IgG and IgM
synthesis in vitro.
E. Jahnová (Dept. Clin. Immunol., Inst.
Prevent. Clin. Med., Bratislava. Slovak Republic)
Physiol. Res. 43: 33-36, 1994;
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Na,K-ATPase from placenta of women with pregnancy-induced
hypertension exhibits an increased affinity for cardiac
E. Amler, N. Cester, R. Magnanelli, L. Mazzanti, A.
Kotyk, C. Romanini (Inst. Physiol., Acad. Sci., Prague 4, Czech
Physiol. Res. 43: 37-43, 1994;
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Plasma profiles of somatotropin and IGF-I in dairy cows
following application of two preparations of recombinant bovine
somatotropin in a sustained release vehicle.
J. Slaba, P.
Krejčí, J. Škarda, L. M. Huybrechts, E. Decuypere, H. Herrmann (Inst.
Animal Physiol. Gen., Acad. Sci., Prague 10, Czech Republic)
Physiol. Res. 43: 45-49, 1994;
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Effect of phenytoin on cortical epileptic foci in cerveau isolé
P. Mareš (Inst. Physiol., Acad. Sci., Prague 4, Czech
Physiol. Res. 43: 51-56, 1994;
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Is the site of action of ethosuximide in the hindbrain?
Mareš, M. Pohl, H. Kubová, M. Želízko (Inst. Physiol., Acad. Sci.,
Prague 4, Czech Republic)
Rapid Communication
Physiol. Res. 43: 57-60, 1994;
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Influence of flunarizine on hippocampal epileptic
afterdischarges in the rat.
M. Pohl, P. Mareš (Inst. Physiol.,
Acad. Sci., Prague 4, Czech Republic)
Short Communication
Physiol. Res. 43: 61-64, 1994;
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Glycation of myofibrillar proteins and ATPase
activity after incubation with eleven sugars.
I. Syrový (Inst.
Physiol., Acad. Sci., Prague 4, Czech Republic)
Physiol. Res. 43: 1P-7P, 1994;
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Proceedings of Czech and Slovak Physiological Societies 1P
This number was issued in
February 1994