Rádio ZET, 21.11.2017.
Pozornost laické veřejnosti poutá...
Principal investigator: Martina Boháčová
Project title: Future of the Czech participation at the Pierre Auger Observatory (AUGER-CZ)
Operational programme: Research, Development and Education
Provider: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports
Project number: CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16_013/0001402
Time period: 1/5/2017 - 30/4/2020
Total costs: 19,267,551.89 CZK
EU co-financing rate: 71.35%
The Pierre Auger Observatory is a major project in the field of ultrahigh energy cosmic rays. In the twelve years of operation many questions that motivated the construction of the observatory were answered, yet others have emerged. Czech teams have been participating on various aspects of the construction and operation of the observatory from the very beginning and their role is well appreciated. The goal of this project is to ensure continuation of the collaboration, to strengthen the Czech contribution to the Pierre Auger Observatory and to equip the local laboratory in order to enable participation on the observatory upgrade. At the same time the project includes scientific activities exploiting data from the current and upgraded detectors, analysis and simulations, as well as monitoring of the detector functioning.
This project is co-financed by EU.