FLEET.ORG, 19.8.2017.
There is considerable excitement about...
Markus Heyde | Resolving Amorphous Solids - The Atomic Structure of a 2D Glass | 19.04.2012 15:00 |
Vladimir I. Anisimov | DFT+DMFT method and its applications to correlation effects in electronic structure of real materials | 16.03.2012 14:00 |
Olivier Isnard | The determination of multiple cation location and ordering: example on natural and heat treated columbites | 18.01.2012 15:00 |
Klaus Wandelt | Electrochemical Surface Science | 13.12.2011 15:00 |
Hans Ulrich Fuchs | A Dynamical Theory of Heat – Using and Understanding Thermodynamics | 01.12.2011 14:00 |
Marcus Kollar | Correlated electrons in nonequilibrium | 03.11.2011 15:00 |
Rolf Moeller | Electronic transport on the nanoscale | 28.04.2011 15:00 |
Andreas Heinrich | Probing the energetics and dynamics of individual atomic spins on surfaces | 21.03.2011 15:00 |
Axel Hoffmann | Pure Spin Currents: Discharging Spintronics | 07.03.2011 14:00 |
Prof. Dieter Vollhardt | Colloquium Cukrovarnická | 25.11.2010 15:00 |
FLEET.ORG, 19.8.2017.
There is considerable excitement about...
The Czech Academy of Sciences, 9.8.2017.
Over the past few...
Prague Daily Monitor, 9.6.2017.
A world-unique laser system has...
Radio Praha - English version, 13.1.2017.
Czech scientists have...