Heyrovský Institute of Physical Chemistry of the CAS, v.v.i., offers a postdoctoral position under the project:
Probing Electron Transport Mechanism in Single Molecule Junctions by Conductance and
Thermoelectricity Measurements.
Project aims at fundamental research in molecular electronics, at understanding of the electron transport characteristics in metal-molecule-metal systems using temperature-resolved break junction techniques and development of simultaneous single molecule conductance and thermopower measurements.
General requirements:
- PhD degree in physical chemistry with specialization in electrochemistry, but any field related to the project will be considered (maximum 7 years from receiving the degree)
- Experience in writing of scientific papers and presentation of results (at least 2 scientific papers within the last three years)
- Advanced level of written and spoken English
- Competencies necessary for team-work
Research position in more detail: Successful applicant will use Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Break Junction technique to study charge transport properties in a series of organic molecules with the aim to confirm their specific functionality within the molecular electronics design.
More information is available from Dr. Magdaléna Hromadová (e-mail: hromadom jh-inst.cas.cz).
Position starts: 1 July, 2018 Duration of the job: 6 months with a possibility of extension Contract type: full-time job Job location: Prague, Czech Republic
Documents required from the candidate: Application form (see the attached file) with CV, diploma copy (optional, but must be completed and provided prior employment), brief summary of previous research, list of publications, names plus e-mail addresses of 1 - 2 references. Applications with required documents must be submitted via e-mail to a contact person: Magdaléna Hromadová (hromadom jh-inst.cas.cz)
Applications deadline: May 30, 2018
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