A post-doctoral position is open in the field of single molecule fluorescence spectroscopy and microscopy.
J. Heyrovský Institute of Physical Chemistry of the CAS, v.v.i., offers a postdoctoral position under the project: Oxidative stress as an essential modulator of Bax apoptotic activity: molecular insights by single-molecule fluorescence
Job description:
The offered position is part of ongoing research at the Department of Biophysical Chemistry. It focuses on the molecular explanation of how oxidative stress influences the pro-apoptotic activity of the protein Bax. The long-term aim is to find a possible link between oligomerization of Bax at mitochondrial-like membranes and formation of membrane pores which trigger the onset of apoptosis. The candidate is expected to be involved in all stages of research including experimental work, analysis and interpretation of data, design of new experiments and publication of achieved results. The applicant will use mainly single molecule fluorescence techniques such as FCS (fluorescence correlation spectroscopy), TOCCSL (thinning out clusters while conserving stoichiometry of labelling) and FRET (Förster resonance energy transfer). Because of the complexity of the entire project, we welcome candidates who like experimental work and complex data analysis, have experience with protein expression and purification, or are good in method development or programing.
General requirements:
- PhD degree in physical chemistry, biophysics, biochemistry or a related field.
- Advanced level of written and spoken English.
- Experience in writing of scientific papers and presentation of results.
Specific requirements:
- PhD thesis in the field of fluorescence spectroscopy or microscopy is of considerable benefit.
- Good experience with biophysical, biochemical or cell biological methods.
- Good skills with MATLAB or another programing language.
- Experience with protein expression and purification is welcome.
- Good publication activity
Start of the position: 1st of July, 2018
Duration of the job: 30 months
Contract type: full-time position
Job location: J. Heyrovský Institute of Physical Chemistry, Prague, Czech Republic
Documents required from the candidate:
Application form (see the attached file) , a motivation letter with a CV, a copy of diploma, brief summary of previous research activities, a complete list of publications, names plus e-mail addresses of 1 - 2 references
The application with the required documents must be sent via e-mail to: Dr.Radek Šachl, radek.sachl jh-inst.cas.cz
Application deadline: 15th of June 2018
Further details concerning the job position can be obtained from Dr. Radek Šachl (e-mail: radek.sachl jh-inst.cas.cz).
By submitting the application you confirm that all personal data you have sent to us are true.