Studio ČT24, 2.7.2018.
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The Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) is an upcoming observatory for very high-energy gamma rays. CTA has ambitious science goals, for which it is required to achieve a full-sky coverage, to improve the sensitivity by about an order of magnitude and to span about four decades of energy, from a few tens of GeV to above 100 TeV with an enhanced angular and energy resolution compared to the existing VHE gamma-ray observatories. The paper introduces general concepts of this project.
Celý text »The paper is based on the long-period data acquired by the Pierre Auger Observatory. The presented results concern the analysis of the unique data set encompassing 4000 atmospheric air showers detected simultaneously by the surface and fluorescence detectors, while the observed parameter was the depth of shower maximum estimated from the fluorescence detector measurement. A transition from light to heavy elements with increasing energy is observed in the spectrum of incoming primary cosmic rays.
Celý text »The most precise method of high energy cosmic ray detection - the fluorescence technique - has the drawback of being usable only during clear moonless nights amounting to about 15% of the time. This paper presents an effort to develop an alternative technique independent of daylight or weather conditions. A telescope detecting cosmic ray air showers in a microwave range was realized at the University of Chicago campus. The paper presents this experiment (MIDAS), first measurements and results.
Celý text »The atmospheric monitoring program of the Pierre Auger Observatory allows for a targeted measurement of atmospheric conditions shortly after the detection of air showers of special interest to improove especially the fluorescence detector reconstruction of such events. The paper reports on the implementation of the rapid monitoring program and its status. The rapid monitoring program is found to have a potential for supporting dedicated physics analyses beyond the standard event reconstruction.
Celý text »Významným výsledkem Observatoře Pierra Augera je pozorovaní anizotropie vysoce energetických spršek kosmického záření nad 6 . 1019 eV. Takové částice jsou sice nesmírně vzácné, neboť za téměř 50 let měření jich bylo zaznamenáno jen pár desítek, ale zároveň neobyčejně zajímavé. Observatoř Pierra Augera nyní učinila první krok k poznání zdrojů těchto částic tím, že se podařilo prokázat, že tak energetické částice nepřilétají ze všech směrů stejně, ale jisté části oblohy jsou preferovány. Celý text »