21.století, 24.7.2018.
V neděli začala na brněnském výstavišti...
The conference will address the foundations of quantum physics and non-equilibrium quantum statistical physics. The systems considered will be mainly on the order of mesoscopic (nanoscale) size, and include those of both natural and artificial origin. The main goal of the conference is to contribute to the uncovering of possible phenomenological ("quantum thermodynamic") laws governing the behavior of mesoscopic systems, and to provide better understanding and insight into the recent problems of the foundations, relying on the theoretical and experimental methods of condensed matter physics and quantum optics. Special attention will be given to the dynamics of mesoscopic open systems and their relevance to problems of measurement of non-equilibrium quantum systems, thermal and quantum fluctuations, dissipation, noise, physics of quantum information and biological systems, in terms of both theory and experiment. Additional subjects will include biophysics, gravitation and cosmology.
Many aspects of the FQMT topics have been covered by a number of recent, more specialized, conferences and workshops which the organizers of the FQMT conferences have taken an essential part in, namely Hot topics in Quantum Statistical Physics: q-thermodynamics, q-decoherence and q-motors, Leiden 2003; Non-equilibrium Green's Functions I-IV conferences, Rostock 1999, Dresden 2002, Kiel 2005, and Glasgow 2009; Conferences on the Second Law of Thermodynamics and Quantum Physics, San Diego 2002, and 2006; Beyond the Quantum, Leiden 2006; and the Vaxjö meetings on Quantum Theory: Reconsideration of Foundations, Vaxjö 2001, 2003, 2005, 2007, and 2009.
More details can be found in the conference web pages.