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«2017 2018 2019 »
105 captures
1 May 10 - 5 May 20
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Úterý, 09.10.2018 10:00

Prof. Hsiu-Hui Chen (Department of Chemistry, National Kaohsiung Normal University, Kaohsiung County, Taiwan, Republic of China)

Abstrakt: Hexa-peri-hexabenzocoronene (HBC) core tethered with three diacetylene (DA)-containing side-chains was designed and their self-assembling behavior in solvent and on substrate was investigated. The polymerizable HBC derivatives are noted as HBC-1,3,5-Ph-DA-Cn, where 1,3,5 refers to the position of DA chain and n is the spacer length of alkyl chain. It is confirmed that the nanostructure of HBC-1,3,5-Ph-DA-Cn can be polymerized in (i) solution and (ii) film by UV-irradiation or thermal treatment. HBC-1,3,5-Ph-DA-C12 exhibits a stable hexagonal columnar phase at 47°C which was used to...

Úterý, 09.10.2018 15:00

Šimon Kos (Department of Physics, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Plzeň)

Abstract: Magnetron sputtering is a physical vapor deposition technique for thin film growth, and is the main research interest in our department. As a highly non-equilibrium process it may give rise to metastable phases brought from remote parts of the equilibrium phase diagrams or not present there altogether. We have been gradually increasing the use of transition metal elements in the films, which have the potential of bringing about effects of strong electron correlations. In this talk I will briefly review the various directions of our research into thin films...

Čtvrtek, 11.10.2018 14:30

Jeff Spiegelman (CEO and Founder, RASIRC)

RASIRC is a division of Mitsubishi Chemical, a $50B chemical and gas company.  RASIRC is a small independent division that focuses on water vapor, hydrogen peroxide gas and hydrazine gas for atomic layer deposition and subsystem precision humidification.  We have developed the first commercial technology for delivery of hydrogen peroxide gas with minimal water vapor.  This can create ALD films that are not possible with water, ozone, or oxygen plasma.  Similarly, RASIRC has developed a proprietary formulation for delivery of hydrazine that is safer than straight hydrazine.  Our innovative...

Čtvrtek, 11.10.2018 15:00

Olivier Siri (Aix Marseille Univ., Marseille,France)

The rich chemistry of molecules exhibiting a quinoid structure has attracted the interest of a large scientific community for decades owing to their implications in a wide range of science. More recently, these molecules appeared to be also precusors of choice for on-surface synthesis. Two different approaches and the key role of the quinoidal precursors will be described and discussed in the presentation. The first approach will be devoted to the formation on surface of micrometer-sized materials based on covalent coordination bonds (by a controlled co-deposition process). The second...

Pondělí, 15.10.2018 14:00

Dr. Hiroyuki Sagawa (University of Tokyo)


The Telescope Array (TA) is the largest ultra-high-energy cosmic ray (UHECR) detector in the Northern Hemisphere, which explores the origin and nature of UHECRs. TA is located in Utah, consisting of an array of scintillator detectors on the ground to sample the footprint of the air shower induced by UHECRs and telescopes to measure the fluorescence and Cerenkov light of the air shower. TA determines the energy spectrum and chemical composition of the primary particles, and also searches for anisotropy of arrival directions of UHECRs and their sources. We have...

Úterý, 30.10.2018 10:00

Mariana Hildebrand (Imperial College London; mariana.hildebrand13@imperial.ac.uk)

Recent interest in functionalised graphene has been motivated by the prospect of creating a two-dimensional semiconductor with a tunable band gap. Various approaches to band gap engineering have been made over the last decade, one of which is chemical functionalisation. In this work, a predictive physical model of the self-assembly of halogenated carbene layers on graphene is suggested. Self-assembly of the adsorbed layer is found to be governed by a combination of the curvature of the graphene sheet, local distortions, as introduced by molecular adsorption, and short-range intermolecular...

Čtvrtek, 15.11.2018 15:00

Peter Saalfrank (Institut für Chemie, Universität Potsdam, Potsdam, Germany)

The coupling of electrons of a (metal) surface to an adsorbate, or non-adiabatic effects in general, are often neglected in previous theoretical treatments of molecular dynamics of atoms or molecules adsorbed at surfaces. However, they can have a decisive influence on various phenomena, such the vibrational relaxation of the adsorbed species, inelastic molecule-surface scattering, and femtosecond-laser induced surface photochemistry. Fully quantum, multi-dimensional dynamical approaches are unfeasible in most cases and / or rely on far-going model assumptions. Recent years have seen the...