Metabolic pathways of benzimidazole anthelmintics in harebell (Campanula rotundifolia).
Stuchlíková L., Jirásko R., Skálová L., Pavlík F., Szotáková B., Holčapek M., Vaněk T., Podlipná R.CHEMOSPHERE 157 : 10-17 , 2016
Keywords: Albendazole; Biotransformation; Drug metabolism; Flubendazole; Phytoremediation
The natural chlorine cycle – Formation of the carcinogenic and greenhouse gas compound chloroform in drinking water reservoirs
Forczek S.T., Pavlík M., Holík J., Rederer L., Ferenčík M.CHEMOSPHERE 157 : 190-199 , 2016
Keywords: Climate relevant compounds, Trichloromethane, Adsorbable organohalogens, Chloride, Chlorine cycle, Physicochemical parameters of water
Accumulation of heavy metals using Sorghum sp.
Soudek P., Petrová Š., Vaňková R., Song J., Vaněk T.CHEMOSPHERE 104 : 15-24 , 2014
Keywords: Sorghum, cadmium, zinc, accumulation, oxidative stress
Composition of hydroponic medium affects thorium uptake by tobacco plants
Soudek P., Kufner D., Petrová Š., Mihaljevič M., Vaněk T.CHEMOSPHERE 92 [9] : 1090-1098 , 2013
Keywords: thorium, plant uptake, polyamines, tobacco, phosphate, citric acid
The production and degradation of trichloroacetic acid in soil: Results from in situ soil column experiments
Heal, M. R., Dickey, C. A., Heal, K.V., Stidson, R.T., Matucha, M., Cape, J. N.CHEMOSPHERE 79(4) : 401-407 , 2010
Biodegradation of juvenoid diastereoisomers: Radio-HPLC and MS analysis
Tykva, Richard; Wimmer, Zdeněk; Vlasáková, Věra; Novák, Jaroslav; Havlíček, LiborCHEMOSPHERE 60 : 1197-1202 , 2005
Keywords: biodegradation pathways; radio-HPLC/MS analysis; juvenoid diastereoisomers
Uptake, translocation and fate of trichloroacetic acid in a Norway spruce/soil system
Schröder, P.; Matucha, Miroslav; Forczek, Sándor; Uhlířová, H.; Fuksová, K.; Albrechtová, J.CHEMOSPHERE 52 [2] : 437-442 , 2003
Keywords: Coniferous forest injury; Chlorinated solvents; Secondary air pollutants
Degradation of juvenile hormone analog by soil microbial isolates
Novák, Jaroslav; Vlasáková, Věra; Tykva, Richard; Ruml, T.CHEMOSPHERE 52 : 151-159 , 2003
Keywords: juvenile hormone; biodegradation; pesticides
Trichloroacetic acid in Norway spruce/soil-system I. Biodegradation in soil
Matucha, Miroslav; Forczek, Sándor; Gryndler, Milan; Uhlířová, H.; Fuksová, K.; Schröder, P.CHEMOSPHERE 50 [3] : 303-309 , 2003
Keywords: Microbial degradation; Trichloroacetic acid; Forest soil
Trichloroacetic acid in Norway spruce/soil-system. II. Distribution and degradation in the plant
Forczek S. T., Uhlířová H., Gryndler M., Albrechtová J., Fuksová K., Vágner M., Schröder P., Matucha M.CHEMOSPHERE 56 : 327-333 , 2004
Keywords: 14C labeling, Microbial degradation, Phyllosphere, Radio-indicator methods, TCA stability, TCA uptake