J. Cadek, M. Pahutova, V. Sustek
Creep behaviour of a 2124 Al alloy reinforced by 20 vol. % silicon
carbide particulates, 431–454
Vaclav Bartos, Anna Kotlanova
Magnetic saturation in the three-phase asynchronous machines model,
Ales Tondl
Quenching effect of a foundation for a system with self-excitation
synchronized by external excitation, 465–482
Zdenek Sobotka:
Differential and integral relations for the viscoelastic behaviour
of isotropic and anisotropic bodies, 483–506
G. Nath
Boundary element solution of oscillatory flow inside a square cavity,
Sergej Drozhdin, Ljudmila Kamysheva, Yulija Shapovalova,
Alexander Shchekotov
Application of experimental methods of nonlinear dynamics for investigations
of structural phase transitions and polarization reversal in ferroelectric
materials, 529–537