Angewandte Chemie, 2018, 57, 1-6. Experimentally Calibrated Analysis of the Electronic Structure of CuO Martin Srnec, Rafael Navrtil, Erik Andris, Juraj Jašik, and Jana Roithová
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Nanoscale, 2018, 10, 19064-19073. Distinct roles of SNARE-mimicking lipopeptides during initial steps of membrane fusion Alena Koukalová, Šárka Pokorná, Aimee L. Boyle, Nestor Lopez Mora, Alexander Kros, Martin Hof and Radek Šachl
Physical Review Letters, 2018, 121, 143402. Resonances and Dissociative Electron Attachment in HNCO M. Zawadzki, M. Cizek, K. Houfek, R. Curik, M. Ferus, S. Civis, J. Kocisek, J. Fedor
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Mass Spectrometry Reviews, 2018, 37, 630-651. Mass spectrometry of aerosol particle analogues in molecular beam experiments Michal Fárník, Jozef Lengyel
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Obesity Surgery, 2018, 28, 8, 2439-2446. Variation in Exhaled Acetone and Other Ketones in Patients Undergoing Bariatric Surgery: a Prospective Cross-sectional Study Piers R. Boshier, Matyas Fehervari, Sheraz R. Markar, Sanjay Purkayastha, Patrik Spanel, David Smith, George B. Hanna
Applied Organometallic Chemistry, 2018, 32, 8, e4442. B(C6F5)(3) catalysis accelerates the hydrosilane chlorination by Ph3CCl Adam Simarek, Martin Lamac, Michal Horacek, Jiri Pinkas
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Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2018, 353, 5, 70-79. Mechanism and kinetics of photochemical transformation of ketoprofen and its degradation intermediates Lenka Hykrdova, Oliver Bajt, Jaromir Jirkovsky
Energy Environ. Sci., 2018, 11, 1779. Comprehensive control of voltage loss enables 11.7% efficient solid-state dye-sensitized solar cells W.W. Zhang; Y.Z. Wu, ; H.W. Bahng; Y.M. Cao; C.Y. Yi; Y. Saygili; J.S. Luo; Y.H. Liu; L. Kavan; J.E. Moser ; A. Hagfeldt, H. Tian; S.M. Zakeeruddin; W.H. Zhu; M Gratzel
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ACS Nano, 2018, 12 (7), pp 7141–7147. Proton-Gradient-Driven Oriented Motion of Nanodiamonds Grafted to Graphene by Dynamic Covalent Bonds Petr Kovaříček, Marek Cebecauer, Jitka Neburková, Jan Bartoň, Michaela Fridrichová, Karolina A. Drogowska, Petr Cigler, Jean-Marie Lehn, and Martin Kalbac
Langmuir, 2018, 34, 6405-6412. Adsorption of Expanded Pyridinium Molecules at the Electrified Interface and Its Effect on the Electron-Transfer Process Štěpánka Nováková Lachmanová, Grégory Dupeyre, Philippe P. Lainé, and Magdaléna Hromadová
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Applied Catalysis B-Environmental, 2018, 227, 70-78. Photocatalytic performance of porous TiO2 layers prepared by quantitative electrophoretic deposition from organic solvents Radek Zouzelka; Monika Remzova; Libor Brabec; Jiri Rathousky
J. Chem. Theory Comput., 2018, 14, 2439-2445. Intricate Case of Tetramethyleneethane: A Full Configuration Interaction Quantum Monte Carlo Benchmark and Multireference Coupled Cluster Studies Libor Veis, Andrej Antalík, Örs Legeza, Ali Alavi, and Jiří Pittner
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Catalysis Reviews, 2018, 60 (1), 1-61. Catalytic performance of advanced titanosilicate selective oxidation catalysts - a review Jan Přech
J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 2018, 9 (5), 1118-1123. Bobbing of Oxysterols: Molecular Mechanism for Translocation of Tail-Oxidized Sterols through Biological Membranes Waldemar Kulig, Heikki Mikkolainen, Agnieszka Olżyńska, Piotr Jurkiewicz, Lukasz Cwiklik, Martin Hof, Ilpo Vattulainen, Pavel Jungwirth, and Tomasz Rog
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Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2018, 20, 5900-5908. Electrochemically controlled winding and unwinding of substrate-supported carbon nanoscrolls H. Tarábková, Z. Zelinger and P. Janda
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ACS Catalysis, 2018, 8, 1779-1789. Catalytic Properties of 3D Graphene-Like Microporous Carbons Synthesized in a Zeolite Template Petr Sazama, Jana Pastvova, Cristina Rizescu, Alina Tirsoaga, Vasile I. Parvulescu,Hermenegildo Garcia, Libor Kobera, Jűrgen Seidel, Jiri Rathousky, Petr Klein, Ivan Jirka, Jaroslava Moravkova, and Vaclav Blechta
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ACS Nano, 2018 12 (1), 813-819. Biomembrane Permeabilization: Statistics of Individual Leakage Events Harmonize the Interpretation of Vesicle Leakage Stefan Braun, Šárka Pokorna, Radek Šachl, Martin Hof, Heiko Heerklotz, and Maria Hoernke
Electrochemistry Communications, 2018, 86, 113-116. Open circuit potential transients associated with single emulsion droplet collisions at an interface between two immiscible electrolyte solutions Antonín Trojánek, Vladimír Mareček, Zdeněk Samec
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2017, 17(22), 14171-14180. Electron-induced chemistry in microhydrated sulfuric acid clusters Jozef Lengyel ; Andriy Pysanenko and Michal Farnik ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces , 2017, 9 (41), 36229-36238. Nanoparticles with Embedded Porphyrin Photosensitizers for Photooxidation Reactions and Continuous Oxygen Sensing Pavel Kubat ; Petr Henke; Veronika Berzediova; Miroslav Štěpánek; Kamil Lang; and Jiří Mosinger
Nature Communications, 2017, 8, 1731. Quantifying protein densities on cell membranes using super-resolution optical fluctuation imaging Tomáš Lukeš, Daniela Glatzová, Zuzana Kvíčalová, Florian Levet, Aleš Benda, Sebastian Letschert, Markus Sauer, Tomáš Brdička, Theo Lasser and Marek Cebecauer
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2017, Advance Article. Ion chemistry at elevated ion-molecule interaction energies in a selected ion flow-drift tube: reactions of H3O+, NO+ and O2+ with saturated aliphatic ketones Anatolii Spesyvyi, David Smith and Patrik Španěl
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Nature Communications, 2017, 8, 957. Identification of catalytic sites in cobalt-nitrogen-carbon materials for the oxygen reduction reaction Zitolo A., Ranjbar-Sahraie N., Mineva T., Li J.K., Stamatin S., Harrington G.F., Lyth S.M., Krtil P., Fonda E., Jaouen F.
Nature Astronomy, 2017, 1, 721-726. The origin of methane and biomolecules from a CO2 cycle on terrestrial planets Svatopluk Civiš, Antonín Knížek, Ondřej Ivanek, Petr Kubelík, Markéta Zukalová, Ladislav Kavan and Martin Ferus
Advances In Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, 2017, vol. 66, 545-657. Chapter 9-Recent Progress in Dissociative Electron Attachment: From Diatomics to Biomolecules Ilya I. Fabrikant, Samuel Eden, Nigel J. Mason, Juraj Feror.
eLife, 2017, 6:e28985. Key steps in unconventional secretion of fibroblast growth factor 2 reconstituted with purified components Julia P. Steringer, Sascha Lange, Sabína Čujová, Radek Šachl, Chetan Poojari, Fabio Lolicato, Oliver Beutel, Hans-Michael Müller, Sebastian Unger, Ünal Coskun, Alf Honigmann, Ilpo Vattulainen, Martin Hof, Christian Freund, Walter Nickel
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ChemCatChem., 2017, vol. 9 (15), 3063-3072. Baeyer-Villiger Oxidation of Cyclic Ketones by Using Tin-Silica Pillared Catalysts Jan Přech, Marta Arroyo Carretero, Jiří Čejka
ACS Catalysis, 2017, 7 (9), 5781-5795. Effect of Enhanced Accessibility of Acid Sites in Micromesoporous Mordenite Zeolites on Hydroisomerization of n-Hexane Jana Pastvova, Dalibor Kaucky, Jaroslava Moravkova, Jiri Rathousky, Stepan Sklenak, Maryna Vorokhta, Libor Brabec, Radim Pilar, Ivo Jakubec, Edyta Tabor, Petr Klein, and Petr Sazama
ChemCatChem, 2017, 9 (16), 3160-3172. (Picture on Journal Front Cover). Effects of the Linking of Cyclopentadienyl and Ketimide Ligands in Titanium Half-Sandwich Olefin Polymerization Catalysts Vojtech Varga, Miloš Večeřa, Róbert Gyepes, Jiří Pinkas, Michal Horáček, Jan Merna, Martin Lamač
Chemistry-A European Journal, 2017, 23 (37), 8857-8870. (Picture on Journal Front Cover). TNU-9 Zeolite: Aluminum Distribution and Extra-Framework Sites of Divalent Cations Robert Karcz, Jiri Dedecek, Barbara Supronowicz, Haunani M. Thomas, Petr Klein, Edyta Tabor, Petr Sazama, Veronika Pashkova, and Stepan Sklenak
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The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, J. Phys. Chem. C, 2017, 121 (23), pp 12885-12894. Tuning Charge Transport Properties of Asymmetric Molecular Junctions Jakub Šebera, Viliam Kolivoška, Michal Valášek, Jindřich Gasior, Romana Sokolová, Gábor Mészáros, Wenjing Hong, Marcel Mayor, and Magdaléna Hromadová
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2017, 217, 466-476. Photocatalytic abatement of NOx pollutants in the air using commercial functional coating with porous morphology Radek Zouzelka, Jiri Rathousky
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ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2017, 9 (19), 16685-16693. Molecular Dynamics Insights into Water-Parylene C Interface: Relevance of Oxygen Plasma Treatment for Biocompatibility Monika Golda-Cepa, Waldemar Kulig, Lukasz Cwiklik, and Andrzej Kotarba.