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Leiopus (Leiopus) syriacus Ganglbauer, 1884
ssp. tauricus Sama et Rapuzzi, 2010

Subfamilia: LAMIINAE  /  Tribus: ACANTHOCININI
Leiopus syriacus tauricus
[Photo © M.Hoskovec]

Body length:6 - 11 mm
Life cycle:1 - 2 years
Adults in:April - June
Host plant:polyphagous on deciduous trees (Juglans regia, Ficus carica)
Distribution:an endemic subpecies to Turkey [❖]

The depicted beetle was beaten from dead walnut (Juglans regia) branches in in South Turkey.

Collected by M.Rejzek

Sama G., Rapuzzi P., and Kairouz A.:
Catalogue commenté des Cerambycidae du Liban. An annotated catalogue of the Cerambycidae of Lebanon (Insecta Coleoptera Cerambycidae).
Quaderni di Studi e Notizie di Storia Naturale della Romagna 30: 131-201, 2010. [download pdf icon]

Subfamilia: Lamiinae Latreille, 1825
Tribus: Acanthocinini Blanchard, 1845
Genus: Leiopus Audinet-Serville, 1835
Subgenus: Leiopus Audinet-Serville, 1835
Species: Leiopus (Leiopus) syriacus Ganglbauer, 1884
Subspecies: Leiopus (Leiopus) syriacus tauricus Sama et Rapuzzi, 2010