Česká televize ČT 24, 3.12.20182018.
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Research Infrastructure (RI) SAFMAT is a strategic project of the Institute of Physics of the CAS (FZU) aiming at strengthening its capability to carry out a competitive interdisciplinary research on the crossroads between the physics, materials science, engineering and medicine, particularly in the areas of surface analysis of functional materials, materials for medical devices and biomaterials. It is based on recent strategic acquisition of modern experimental equipment for surface analysis through two small scale structural fund projects SAFMAT (in operational phase) and FUNBIO (in construction phase) combined with world level expertise of FZU resarch teams. The services offered to the R&D community will consist in targeted research focussing advanced functional materials for optics, engineering and power engineering as well as materials for medical devices, biomaterials and applications of physics in medicine. Besides development of novel materials technologies requested by the users, the services will mainly cover variety of characterisation and analysis of materials in various application-relevant environments. In accord with the RI title, novel engineering materials and coatings possessing special functionalities as e.g. shape memory alloys, multiferroics, functional surfaces/coatings of medical devices and implants, 2D materials, magnetic and feroellectric materials and scintilators are particularly focussed in the RI Safmat research.
All the unique equipments and methods introduced within the RI SAFMAT will be operated in open access user regime for the R&D community and in partial open access to the SAFMAT data (results). Of special importance for the Czech R&D environment is the strategic orientation of the RI SAFMAT on strengthening the capability of FZU teams to carry out internationally competitive oriented research. Ultimately, main beneficiaries will be Czech innovative SMEs active in relatively wide range of industrial sectors (e.g. production of medical devices and implants and scintilators production).
You will find links to detailed information on the individual instruments on this page of the infrastructure .