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Volume 65, Issue 6, 2016



  • Physiol. Res. 65: 879-889, 2016;  Full version (PDF file)

    Baroreflex sensitivity in children and adolescents: physiology, hypertension, obesity, diabetes mellitus.
    N. Honzíková, E. Závodná (Int. Clin. Res. Ctr., St. Anne’s Univ. Hosp. Brno, Brno, Czech Republic)

    Original Articles


  • Physiol. Res. 65: 891-899, 2016; Full version (PDF file)

    Hepatotoxic effects of fenofibrate in spontaneously hypertensive rats expressing human C-reactive protein.
    V. Škop, J. Trnovská, O. Oliyarnyk, I. Marková, H. Malínská, L. Kazdová, V. Zídek, V. Landa, P. Mlejnek, M. Šimáková, M. Kůdela, M. Pravenec, J. Šilhavý (Ctr. Exp. Med., Inst. Clin. Exp. Med., Prague, Czech Republic, Inst. Physiol., Czech Acad. Sci., Prague, Czech Republic)

  • Physiol. Res. 65: 901-908, 2016; Full version (PDF file)

    The ratio of diameters between the target artery and the bypass modifies hemodynamic parameters related to intimal hyperplasia in the distal end-to-side anastomosis.
    T. Grus, L. Lambert, J. Matěcha, G. Grusová, M. Špaček, M. Mlček (Dept. Cardiovasc. Surg., First Fac. Med., Charles Univ., Prague, Czech Republic, Dept. Radiol., First Fac. Med., Charles Univ., Prague, Czech Republic)

  • Physiol. Res. 65: 909-916, 2016; Full version (PDF file)

    Renal denervation in the most serious form of resistant arterial hypertension.
    J. Šochman, M. Bürgelová, J. H. Peregrin (Inst. Clin. Exp. Med., Prague, Czech Republic)

  • Physiol. Res. 65: 917-925, 2016; Full version (PDF file)

    Evaluation of cerebrovascular reserve capacity in symptomatic and asymptomatic internal carotid stenosis with transcranial Doppler.
    I. Douvas, D. Moris, G. Karaolanis, C. Bakoyiannis, S. Georgopoulos (First Dept. Surg., Vasc. Surg. Unit, Laikon Gen. Hosp., Sch. Med., Athens, Greece)

  • Physiol. Res. 65: 927-940, 2016; Full version (PDF file)

    Possible mechanisms of cardiac contractile dysfunction and electrical changes in ammonium chloride induced chronic metabolic acidosis in Wistar rats.
    N. N. Lasheen, G. F. Mohamed (Fac. Med., Ain Shams Univ., Abbasia, Cairo, Egypt)

  • Physiol. Res. 65: 941-951, 2016; Full version (PDF file)

    Fatty acid profile in erythrocyte membranes and plasma phospholipids affects significantly the extent of inflammatory response to coronary stent implantation.
    T. Čermák, V. Mužáková, J. Matějka, J. Skalický, P. Laštovička, M. Líbalová, R. Kanďár, V. Novotný, A. Čegan (Dept. Biol. Biochem. Sci., Fac. Chem. Technol., Univ. Pardubice, Pardubice, Czech Republic)

  • Physiol. Res. 65: 953-958, 2016; Full version (PDF file)

    Influence of gender on ischemia-reperfusion injury in lungs in an animal model.
    H. Mrazkova, R. Lischke, J. Herget (Third Dept. Surg., Univ. Hosp. Motol, First Med. Sch., Charles Univ., Prague, Czech Republic)

  • Physiol. Res. 65: 959-967, 2016; Full version (PDF file)

    Decreased perception of high frequency sound in severe obstructive sleep apnea.
    T. Vorlová, O. Dlouhá, D. Kemlink, K. Šonka (Dept. Neurol. Ctr. Clin. Neurosci., First Fac. Med., Charles Univ. Gen. Univ. Hosp., Prague, Czech Republic)

  • Physiol. Res. 65: 969-977, 2016; Full version (PDF file)

    Increased resting energy expenditure and insulin resistance in male patients with moderate-to severe obstructive sleep apnoea.
    M. Brúsik, Z. Štrbová, D. Petrášová, P. Pobeha, Z. Kuklišová, R. Tkáčová, P. Joppa (Dept. Respirat. Med., Fac. Med., P. J. Šafárik Univ. L. Pasteur Univ. Hospital, Košice, Slovak Republic)

  • Physiol. Res. 65: 979-985, 2016; Full version (PDF file)

    Serum nesfatin-1 levels in patients with different glucose tolerance levels.
    S. Algul, Y. Ozkan, O. Ozcelik (Dept. Physiol., Fac. Med., Fırat Univ., Elazig, Turkey)

  • Physiol. Res. 65: 987-993, 2016; Full version (PDF file)

    The structural basis for calcium inhibition of lipid kinase PI4K IIα and comparison with the apo state.
    A. Baumlova, J. Gregor, E. Boura (Inst. Organic Chem. Biochem., Czech Acad. Sci., Prague, Czech Republic)

  • Physiol. Res. 65: 995-1003, 2016; Full version (PDF file)

    The effect of colesevelam treatment on bile acid and lipid metabolism and glycemic control in healthy men.
    T. Blahová, L. Peterková, M. Leníček, M. Vlachová, K. Zemánková, V. Adámková, L. Vítek, J. Kovář (Inst. Clin. Exp. Med., Prague, Czech Republic)

  • Physiol. Res. 65: 1005-1011, 2016; Full version (PDF file)

    Large copy-number variations in patients with statin-associated myopathy affecting statin myopathy-related loci.
    V. Stránecký, M. Neřoldová, K. Hodaňová, H. Hartmannová, L. Piherová, P. Zemánková, A. Přistoupilová, M. Vrablík, V. Adámková, S. Kmoch, M. Jirsa (Inst. Inherited Metab. Diseases, First Med. Fac., Charles Univ., Prague, Lab. Exp. Hepatol., Inst. Clin. Exp. Med., Prague, Czech Republic)

  • Physiol. Res. 65: 1013-1017, 2016; Full version (PDF file)

    Forced exercise increases muscle mass in EAE despite early onset of disability.
    D. I. Patel, L. J. White, V. A. Lira, D. S. Criswell (Dept. Applied Physiol. Kinesiol., Univ. Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA)

  • Physiol. Res. 65: 1019-1030, 2016; Full version (PDF file)

    Porcine dorsal root ganglia ovarian neurons are affected by long lasting testosterone treatment.
    B. Jana, K. Palus, K. Meller, J. Całka (Divis. Reproduct. Biol., Inst. Animal Reproduct. Food Res., Polish Acad. Sci., Olsztyn, Poland)

  • Physiol. Res. 65: 1031-1037, 2016; Full version (PDF file)

    Effect of ginsenoside Rh-2 via activation of caspase-3 and Bcl-2-insensitive pathway in ovarian cancer cells.
    J. H. Kim, J.-S. Choi (Sch. Life Sci. Biotechnol., Korea Univ., Seoul, Korea; Dept. Biomed. Lab. Sci., Far East Univ., Eumseong, Korea)

    Rapid Communications


  • Physiol. Res. 65: 1039-1044, 2016; Full version (PDF file)

    Effects of transgenic expression of dopamine beta hydroxylase (Dbh) gene on blood pressure in spontaneously hypertensive rats.
     M. Pravenec, V. Landa, V. Zídek, P. Mlejnek, J. Šilhavý, S. A. Mir, S. M. Vaingankar, J. Wang, T. W. Kurtz (Inst. Physiol., Czech Acad. Sci., Prague, Czech Republic)

  • Physiol. Res. 65: 1045-1051, 2016; Full version (PDF file)

    Hyperosmotic environment blunts effectivity of ischemic preconditioning against ischemia-reperfusion injury and improves ischemic tolerance in non-preconditioned isolated rat hearts.
    M. Zálešák, P. Blažíček, D. Pancza, I. Gablovský, V. Štrbák, T. Ravingerová (Inst. Heart Res., Slovak Acad. Sci., Bratislava, Slovak Republic)

    Short Communication


  • Physiol. Res. 65: 1053-1058, 2016; Full version (PDF file)

    Nitric oxide participates in IFN-γ-induced HUVECs hyperpermeability.
    C. T. Ng, L. Y. Fong, Y. Y. Low, J. Ban, M. N. Hakim, Z. Ahmad (Dept. Biomed. Sci., Fac. Med. Health Sci., Univ. Putra Malaysia, Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia)

    Contents of Volume 65

    Author Index

    This number was issued in December 2016

  • © 2016 by the Institute of Physiology, Czech Academy of Sciences