Volume 67, Issue 6, 2018



  • Physiol. Res. 67: 831-850, 2018;  Full version (PDF file)

    Application of adult mesenchymal stem cells in bone and vascular tissue engineering.
    M. Trávníčková, L. Bačáková (Dept. Biomaterials Tissue Engineer., Inst. Physiol. Czech Acad. Sci., Prague, Czech Republic)

    Original Articles

  • Physiol. Res. 67: 851-856, 2018;  Full version (PDF file)

    Acute toxic effects of telmisartan in spontaneously hypertensive rats fed a high fructose diet.
    J. Šilhavý, P. Mlejnek, M. Šimáková, I. Vaněčková, M. Behuliak, O. Kuda, E. Sticová, M. Jirsa, M. Pravenec (Inst. Physiol. Czech Acad. Sci., Prague, Czech Republic)

  • Physiol. Res. 67: 857-862, 2018;  Full version (PDF file)

    Natural remodeling of the distal anastomosis of an above-knee femoropopliteal bypass depicted by CT angiography of lower limbs improves geometry of the reconstruction.
    G. Grusova, L. Lambert, J. Kavan, A. Lambertova, A. Burgetova, M. Mlcek, T. Grus (Fourth Dept. Med., First Fac. Med., Charles Univ. and General Univ. Hosp. Prague, Czech Republic, Dept. Radiol., First Fac. Med., Charles Univ. and General Univ. Hosp. Prague, Czech Republic)

  • Physiol. Res. 67: 863-874, 2018;  Full version (PDF file)  

    Ventilation distribution, pulmonary diffusion and peripheral muscle endurance as determinants of exercise intolerance in elderly patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
    A. J. Lopes, P. S. Vigário, A. L. Hora, C. A. L. Deus, M. S. Soares, F. S. Guimarães, A. S. Ferreira (Rehabilit. Sci. Post-Graduation Program, Augusto Motta Univ. Ctr., Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)

  • Physiol. Res. 67: 875-879, 2018;  Full version (PDF file)  

    Relationship between dynamic expiratory time constant τedyn and parameters of breathing cycle in pressure support ventilation mode.
    P. Čandik, D. Rybár, F. Depta, F. Sabol, A. Kolesár, K. Galková, P. Török, V. Doničová, Š. Imrecze, M. Nosáľ, V. Donič (Clin. Anesthesiol. Intens. Med., East Slovakian Inst. Cardiovasc. Dis. and Fac. Med. Safarik Univ., Košice, Slovakia, Dept. of Human Physiol., Fac. Med., Safarik Univ., Košice, Slovakia)

  • Physiol. Res. 67: 881-890, 2018;  Full version (PDF file)

    Changes in omentin levels and its mRNA expression in epicardial adipose tissue in patients undergoing elective cardiac surgery: the influence of type 2 diabetes and coronary heart disease.
    Z. Matloch, H. Kratochvílová, A. Cinkajzlová, M. Lipš, P. Kopecký, M. Pořízka, D. Haluzíková, J. Lindner, M. Mráz, J. Kloučková, Z. Lacinová, M. Haluzík (Dr. Pirek’s Clinic, Mlada Boleslav, Czech Republic, Ctr. Exp. Med., Inst. Clin. Exp. Med., Prague, Czech Republic)

  • Physiol. Res. 67: 891-901, 2018;  Full version (PDF file)

    Evaluation of later morphologic alterations in renal artery wall and renal nerves in response to catheter-based renal denervation in sheep: comparison of the single-point and multiple-point ablation catheters.
    M. Táborský, D. Richter, Z. Tonar, T. Kubíková, A. Herman, J. Peregrin, Z. Husková, L. Kopkan (Dept. Intern. Med. I, Cardiol., Univ. Hosp. Olomouc and Palacký Univ., Olomouc, Czech Republic)

  • Physiol. Res. 67: 903-909, 2018;  Full version (PDF file)

    Plethysmographic and biochemical markers in the diagnosis of endothelial dysfunction in pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia survivors – new applications.
    A. Masopustová, P. Jehlička, M. Huml, T. Votava, L. Trefil, M. Kreslová, J. Sýkora (Charles Univ. Prague, Fac. Med. Pilsen, Fac. Hosp., Dept. Pediatrics, Pilsen, Czech Republic)

  • Physiol. Res. 67: 911-919, 2018;  Full version (PDF file)

    Serum HMGB1 levels and its association with endothelial dysfunction in patients with polycystic ovary syndrome.
    H. Wang, M. Lin, G. Xiang (Dept. Endocrinol., Tungwah Hosp. Sun Yat-Sen Univ., Dongguan, P. R. China)

  • Physiol. Res. 67: 921-934, 2018;  Full version (PDF file)

    Markers of oxidative stress and antioxidant status in the plasma, urine and saliva of healthy mice.
    M. Gyurászová, A. Kovalčíková, K. Janšáková, K. Šebeková, P. Celec, Ľ. Tóthová (Inst. Molecular Biomed.,
    Fac. Med., Comenius Univ., Bratislava, Slovakia)

  • Physiol. Res. 67: 935-943, 2018;  Full version (PDF file)  

    The effects of acute hypoxia on tissue oxygenation and circulating alarmins in healthy adults.
    C. J. Boos, C. M. Lamb, M. Midwinter, A. Mellor, D. R. Woods, M. Howley, T. Stansfield, M. Foster, J. P. O’Hara (Dept. Cardiol., Poole Hosp. NHS Foundation Trust, Poole, UK)

  • Physiol. Res. 67: 945-954, 2018;  Full version (PDF file)

    Serum hepcidin is increased in ANCA-associated vasculitis and correlates with activity markers.
    P. Přikryl, Z. Hrušková, P. Konopásek, Z. Hladinová, V. Tesař, M. Vokurka (Inst. Pathophysiol., First Fac. Med., Charles Univ., Prague, Czech Republic, Dept. Nephrol., First Fac. Med., Charles Univ. and General Univ. Hosp., Prague, Czech Republic)

  • Physiol. Res. 67: 955-962, 2018;  Full version (PDF file)

    The effect of selected feed mixtures on the duodenal morphology: comparison study.
    P. Makovický, M. Chrenková, P. Makovický, P. Fľak, Z. Formelová, V. Novosadová, M. Rajský, L. Vannucci (Czech Ctr. Phenogenomics, Div. BIOCEV, Vestec, Czech Republic, Lab. Immunotherapy, Inst. Microbiol. Czech Acad. Sci., Prague, Czech Republic)

  • Physiol. Res. 67: 963-974, 2018;  Full version (PDF file) 

    Effect of diabetes mellitus type 1 diagnosis on the corneal cell densities and nerve fibers.
    M. Česká Burdová, M. Kulich, D. Dotřelová, G. Mahelková (Dept. Ophthalmol., Second Fac. Med., Charles Univ., Motol Univ. Hosp., Prague, Czech Republic)

  • Physiol. Res. 67: 975-983, 2018;  Full version (PDF file) 

    Prenatal caffeine damaged learning and memory in rat offspring mediated by ARs/PKA/CREB/BDNF pathway.
    Y. Li, W. Zhang, R. Shi, M. Sun, L. Zhang, N. Li, Z. Xu (Inst. Fetol., First Hosp. Soochow Univ., Suzhou, China)

  • Physiol. Res. 67: 985-992, 2018;  Full version (PDF file)

    Postural changes during quiet stance and gait initiation in slightly obese adults.
    Z. Hirjaková, K. Šuttová, J. Kimijanová, D. Bzdúšková, F. Hlavačka (Ctr. Exp. Med. Slovak Acad. Sci., Inst. Norm. Pathol. Physiol., Bratislava, Slovakia)

    Short communication

  • Physiol. Res. 67: 993-998, 2018;  Full version (PDF file)

    Fast tonotopy mapping of the rat auditory cortex with a custom-made electrode array.
    J. Lindovský, K. Pysanenko, J. Popelář, J. Syka (Inst. Exp. Med. Czech Acad. Sci., Prague, Czech Republic)

    Contents of Volume 67

    Author Index

  • © 2018 by the Institute of Physiology, Czech Academy of Sciences