Seizure Onset Zone localization and advanced analysis of high-frequency intracranial EEG


Seizure Onset Zone localization and advanced analysis of high-frequency intracranial EEG

Epilepsy is one of the most prevalent neurological diseases. One-third of patients has to undergo an invasive surgical resection of epileptogenic tissue. To achieve seizure freedom in these patients, the localization of epileptogenic tissue is crucial. Currently used localization methods are not utilizing computational power and advanced signal processing techniques, which are now available and has the potential to improve the invasive treatment of epilepsy substantially. This project aims to improve localization of epileptogenic tissue in patients suffering from pharmacoresistant focal epilepsies undergoing evaluation for surgical resection of pathological tissue and to broaden the knowledge about its function. The proposed project exploits novel technologies, electrophysiological biomarkers and functional brain connectivity. This project is a continuation of a successful previous project Kontakt II (2015-2017) and its key results, which are describing a function of the epileptogenic zone. To goals of this project are going to be achieved in the collaboration of Czech and American expert teams, which has available an extensive and unique dataset.

ISI investigator: 
Ing. Petr Klimeš
Klimeš Petr - Institute of Scientific Instruments of the CAS

Cimbálník Jan - Fakultní nemocnice u sv. Anny v Brně

Identif. Code: 
Date from: 
1. 1. 2019
Date to: 
31. 12. 2022