RETREND, 29.1.2019.
Fyzikální ústav Akademie věd ČR postaví v...
Silicon Solar Cells: What Does the Future Hold?
Currently, I am acting as a group leader of two collaborative university–industry research consortiums that focus on innovative Si thin-film solar cells. One is the “thin- film full spectrum solar cells” project of METI/NEDO and the other is the “Si nanowire solar cells” project of MEXT/JST. In each project, which involves a study period of 5–7 years, we are cooperating with domestic research organizations as well as foreign countries with a budget that exceeds four billion yen over the entire period. The themes of both projects are challenging and we require a significant change in mindset to achieve our goals, but the fruit of our success will be sweet. I discuss the organizations and functions of the two collaborative university–industry research consortiums.