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«2018 2019 2020
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13 Feb 10 - 8 Dec 19
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Selected results of department 12

BaTiO3 is often considered a model ferroelectric material in which the dielectric properties are defined by the displacements of Ti ions with respect to surrounding oxygen atoms. However, despite the decades of a dedicated research, certain controversies have remained as to the description of collective movements of the Ti ions. We approached this problem using nonoscale-oriented X-ray scattering methods and large-scale atomistic simulations [1]. Together these allowed us to show that the Ti dynamics can be exhaustively explained by phonons excited on a timescale of picoseconds.

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Antiferroelectric-like polarization hysteresis loops in Ba4Sm2Ti4Nb6O30 and Ba4Eu2Ti4Nb6O30 were explained by electric-field induced structural phase transition from nonpolar incommensurately modulated structure to polar and commensurately modulated phase [1]. This discovery opens new perspective direction of investigation of lead-free materials for possible electric energy storage.

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Unusual behaviour of new cholesteric liquid crystals has been observed under applied electric field. Positive dielectric anisotropy causes reorientation of the long molecular axis along the applied electric field direction. Due to extremely short pitch length a stripe texture has been observed under applied electric field. A model based on disclinations has been proposed and anchoring energy evaluated.

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In collaboration with T. Ostatnický of Charles University we participated to the development of the first theory of the quantum conductivity describing the transport in the terahertz spectral range, which does not contain internal contradictions. We have shown that the broken translation symmetry of the nanostructures induces a broadband drift-diffusion current which must be explicitly taken into account.

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Ultrashort laser pulses can be used to induce transient exotic states of matter and cause phenomena of a vital interest such as room temperature superconductivity. We have focused on the photo-induced dynamics in niobium nitride (NbN) thin films [1] under strong excitation.

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Minerals containing selenium are interesting and worthy to study due to its inherent photovoltaic effect. The characterization and understanding of these natural minerals is important to be able to make synthetic analogues.

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The structural ferroelectric-paraelectric transition has been observed by electron diffraction tomography in the tetragonal tungsten-bronze (TTB) Sr0.35Ba0.61Nb2O6.04 (SBN-35). The combination of structural and broad-band dielectric studies in SBN-35 suggests that ferroelectricity in TTBs in caused by a more complex mechanism than in perovskites.

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Structurally new type of dimers composed of bent-core molecules connected through their central cores has been prepared and studied. The switching behaviour in the applied electric field is reported. The whole text »

The high-frequency dielectric response of the uniaxial strontium barium niobate (SrxBa1−xNb2O6) crystals with 81% of Sr (x = 0.81) was studied from 1 kHz to 30 THz along the polar axis in a wide temperature interval [E. Buixaderas et al, Sci. Rep. 7, 18034 (2017)]. Relaxor properties were observed in the complex dielectric response and four main excitations were ascertained below the phonon frequencies. These fast polarization mechanisms take place at THz, GHz and MHz ranges and show different temperature evolution.

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Ferroelectric materials are known for their exceptionally high dielectric permittivity. It turns out, that important part of it originates from a material's complicated microstructure and in particular from interfaces between ferroelectric domains. In this study we investigate different types of interfaces in a multiferroic BiFeO3 ...
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