Technologické centrum AV ČR, 11.10.2018.
Czech Liaison Office...
Michael Prouza | Dark matter and dark energy in contemporary cosmology | 31.10.2013 14:00 |
Festive gathering on the ocassion of Dr. Miloš Lokajíček's jubilee | 24.10.2013 15:00 | |
Jan Fischer | Calculation of the coupling parameter α_s from hadronic decay of the τ lepton | 17.10.2013 14:00 |
Peter West | Symmetries and their role in fundamental physics | 15.10.2013 15:00 |
Jiří Kvita | Differential spectra for t-tbar events in the ATLAS experiment | 10.10.2013 14:00 |
Martin Schnabl | Stringy and higher-spin activities in the theory department | 03.10.2013 14:00 |
Alexander Kupčo | News from the EPS 2013 conference | 19.09.2013 14:00 |
Jose Repond | Imaging Calorimetry for Lepton Colliders | 05.09.2013 14:00 |
Vladislav Šimák | What have we learned from Tevatron | 27.06.2013 14:00 |
Arthur Moraes | On the trail of LHC discoveries: scientific advances that accelerate more than sub-atomic particles | 19.06.2013 14:00 |
Technologické centrum AV ČR, 11.10.2018.
Czech Liaison Office...
Radio Praha in English, 4.5.2018.
Experts from the Institute of...
Prague Daily Monitor, 6.3.2018.
Czech astronomer Martin Masek...
FLEET.ORG, 19.8.2017.
There is considerable excitement about...