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Division seminars

Tuesday, 26.02.2019 13:00

Dr. Bruno Beccard (Nicolet Spectroscopy Research Center, Trappes, France)

Several infrared absorption measurements such as molecular orientation, thin films on reflective surfaces and crystal structure studies are enhanced with the use of polarized light. Sequentially collected sample and reference spectra are measured using infrared polarizer accessories. Infrared Reflection Absorption Spectroscopy (IRRAS) uses p-polarized light at a grazing angle of incidence to measure thin films on metallic substrates. The reflectance measurement is done at a grazing angle to increase the polarized absorption from the thin film. Often the absorptions from these samples are...

Wednesday, 13.02.2019 14:00

Hana Lísalová (Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences)

The purpose of this colloquium is to introduce a new research direction that has been recently supported by Czech Academy of Sciences’ Lumina Quaeruntur Award. The aim of this highly interdisciplinary research is to provide new fundamental discoveries on surface-mediated biomolecular interactions in their native biological environments. Molecular mechanisms of undesirable nonspecific adhesion of biomolecules and cells to surfaces, i.e. “(bio)fouling”, will be examined at the molecular level using tailored low-fouling functional coatings and advanced experimental techniques combined with...

Tuesday, 12.02.2019 10:00

Fabian D. Natterer (Physik-Institut, University of Zurich, Winterthurerstrasse 190, CH-8057 Zurich, Switzerland)

The smallest classical storage unit is a single atom bit. Its recent discovery in form of magnetically bistable holmium single atom magnets on MgO exemplified how miniaturization could be realized down to fundamental limits1 . Here we discuss the experiments leading to the observation of magnetic remanence1 , the reading and writing of single atom magnets 2 , and the investigation of their thermal and magnetic stability3 . Using STM enabled electron spin resonance4,5 , we find a magnetic moment of (10.1±0.1) Bohr magnetons and we prove the magnetic origin of the tunneling bias voltage...