FEM modeling of rotating steam turbine blade using Beam Element Method.

Téma studentské práce
Školitel: Dr. Chandra Shekhar Prasad
Typ práce: magisterská/diplomová
Platnost nabídky: 30.06.2019

The rotating cantilever beams are of great interest in many engineering fields. The rotor blades of power turbine are one of such example. In the present master thesis research work such rotating beam will be numerically modeled and their structural behavior during high rotational speed will be studied using Beam Theory e.g. Euler- Bernoulli beam theory or Timoshenko Beam theory or more advanced one. The long flexible and ultra-thin steam turbine blade have greater tendency of vibration, therefore, needed to be designed well especially when they rotate at 3600 rpm. The blades have non –linear shapes e.g. twisted, tapped and also additional stiffening due to rational centrifugal force. All this will be address in the numerical model. There is some work have been done by previous master student on rotating rectangular rotating beam with low, up to 500 rpm, So the new master student will add further more in the method to simulate the structural behavior for up to 3500 rpm, with exact shape of turbine blades, which the calculation more challenging, due higher rpm and the non-linear shape.
This kind of numerical tool have great application on fast aeroelastic analysis in power turbine blade 3D cascade, wind turbine or rotor craft structural behavior analysis. The master student will spend time to read the state of art and formulate the algorithm to model the 3D isolated blade using Beam theories. For the numerical implementation either MATLAB or Fortran or C/ C++ or Python can be used depending upon the choice.
Required qualification: Masters degree/ Bachelors Student in the field of Mechanical/ Aerospace/ Computational engineering/ Physics/ Navel Engineering or Similar. Good understanding of solid mechanics/ structural dynamics, FEM, good analytical and mathematical skills, good programming skills in any of the above language will be advantageous. Working knowledge of English language will be preferred.

Time duration: 6 months (from date of stating)
Date of start : Negotiable
Degree: Masters/ Bachelors Student
Place: Institute of Thermodynamics, Czech academy of Science, Prague Czech Republic.
Supervisor: Dr. Chandra Shekhar Prasad E-mail cprasad@it.cas.cz ( for technical quires)
Contact: Dr. Patrik Zima, Phone +420 266 053 392 E-mail zimap@it.cas.cz

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