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Volume 53, Issue 5, 2004



T lymphocyte therapy of cancer.
J. Michálek, T. Büchler, R. Hájek (Dept. Pediatr., Children’s Hospital of J.G. Mendel, Masaryk Univ., Brno, Czech Republic)

Hyperlipoproteinemia impairs endothelium-derived vasodilation.
P. Kraml, P. Syrovátka, S. Štípek, L. Fialová, H. Kopřivová, J. Potočková, M. Anděl (Second Dept. Intern. Med., Third Med. Fac., Charles Univ., Prague, Czech Republic)

Gender differences in plasma levels of lipoprotein (a) in patients with angiographically proven coronary artery disease.
J. Frohlich, M. Dobiášová, L. Adler, M. Francis (Inst. Physiol., Acad. Sci. Czech Rep., Prague, Czech Republic)

Hyperoxia attenuated nitrotyrosine concentration in the lung tissue of rats with experimental pneumonia.
B. Fišárková, R. Vytášek, D. Miková, M. Vízek (Inst. Pathophysiol., Second Med. Fac., Charles Univ., Prague, Czech Republic)

Effect of hyperbaric oxygen on experimental acute distal colitis.
B. Gulec, M. Yasar, S. Yildiz, S. Oter, C. Akay, S. Deveci, D. Sen (Gulhane Askeri Tıp Fak., Etlik, Ankara, Turkey)

Gender differences in tumor necrosis factor alpha and leptin secretion from subcutaneous and visceral fat tissue.
M. Orel, R. Lichnovská, S. Gwozdziewiczová, N. Zlámalová, I. Klementa, A. Merkunová, J. Hřebíček (Inst. Physiol., Fac. Med., Palacký Univ., Olomouc, Czech Republic)

Clozapine blocks sympathetic and thermogenic reactions induced by orexin A in rat.
M. Monda, An. Viggiano, Al. Viggiano, F. Fuccio, V. De Luca (Dept. Exp. Med., Sect. Human Physiol., Second Univ. Naples, Naples, Italy)

Regeneration of coenzyme Q9 redox state and inhibition of oxidative stress by rooibos tea (Aspalathus linearis) administration in carbon tetrachloride liver damage.
J. Kucharská, O. Uličná, A. Gvozdjáková, Z. Sumbalová, O. Vančová, P. Božek, M. Nakano, M. Greksák (Pharmacobiochem. Lab., Med. Fac., Comenius Univ., Bratislava, Slovak Republic)

The effect of intestinal ischemia duration on changes in plasma antioxidant defense status in the rats.
H. Čížová, A. Lojek, L. Kubala, M. Číž (Inst. Biophys., Acad. Sci. Czech Rep., Prague, Czech Republic)

The protective effect of aminoguanidine on cerebral ischemic damage in the rat brain.
V. Danielisová, M. Némethová, J. Burda (Dept. Neurochem., Inst. Neurobiol., Slovak Acad. Sci., Košice, Slovak Republic)

Characterization of neuromuscular transmission in mice with progressive motoneuronopathy.
K. Kretschmannová, H. Zemková (Inst. Physiol., Acad. Sci. Czech Rep., Prague, Czech Republic)

Effects of stable adenosine receptor agonists on bone marrow haematopoietic cells as inferred from the cytotoxic action of 5-fluorouracil.
M. Pospíšil, M. Hofer, A. Vacek, V. Znojil, I. Pipalová (Inst. Biophys., Acad. Sci. Czech Rep., Brno, Czech Republic)

Short Communication

Phospholipid composition of human myocardium in children with normoxemic and hypoxemic congenital heart diseases.
B. Hamplová, V. Pelouch, O. Nováková, J. Škovránková, B. Hučín, F. Novák (Dept. Biochem., Fac. Sci., Charles Univ., Prague, Czech Republic)

Rapid Communications

Assessment of exhaled gases in ventilated preterm infants.
P. Hitka, M. Černý, M. Vízek, J. Wilhelm, P. Zoban (Dept. Pathophysiol., Charles Univ., Second Med.Fac., Prague, Czech Republic)

The A-204C polymorphism in the cholesterol 7α-hydroxylase (CYP7A1) gene determines the cholesterolemia responsiveness to a high-fat diet.
J. Kovář, J. A. Hubáček, P. Suchánek, R. Poledne (Inst. Clin. Exp. Med, Prague, Czech Republic)

Abstracts of the 15th Czech and Slovak Conference of Pathophysiology 

This number was  issued in October 2004

© 2004 by the Institute of Physiology, Czech Academy of Sciences