Jihlavské listy, 11.4.2019.
Populární astrofyzik Jiří Grygar z...
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Pavel Javorský / Jan M. Macák / Ivo Starý | Netradiční seminář | 03.01.2017 10:00 |
Jakob Andreasson | THz pump/X-ray diffraction probe, THz photo-electron streaking and other applications in molecular, bio-medical and material science at the ELI Beamlines facility | 13.10.2016 10:00 |
Natalia Tomasovicova | Ferronematics – nematic liquid crystals doped with magnetic nanoparticles | 04.10.2016 14:00 |
Roman Tkhonov | Multimodal laser system for nonlinear Raman microspectroscopy | 27.09.2016 10:00 |
Katarzyna Kurp | Helical pitch parameters of ferroelectric phase in bi- and multicomponent mixtures | 06.09.2016 10:00 |
Prof. Chang-Beom Eom | Oxide Nanoelectronics | 12.07.2016 10:00 |
Gerald H. Pollack | The Fourth Phase of Water: A Central Role in Health | 30.06.2016 10:00 |
Jan Pokorný | Stark effect and oncogene mutation | 21.06.2016 10:00 |
Jiri Hlinka | Jahn-Teller phonons inducing ferroelectricity in GaV4S8 | 14.06.2016 10:30 |
Sabine Körbel | Computational materials design for photovoltaics and piezoelectrics | 24.05.2016 10:00 |
Jihlavské listy, 11.4.2019.
Populární astrofyzik Jiří Grygar z...
Akademie věd ČR, 1.3.2019.
Pracovníci Centra transferu...