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«2017 2019 2020
16 captures
5 Apr 14 - 1 Feb 20
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This is to tell you how pleased and honoured we would be to have you among the speakers of the colloquium




devoted to the 100st anniversary of Russell's paper On Denoting

and 55th anniversary of Strawson's paper On Referring,


to be held on October 25-26 in Prague.


The colloquium is organized by the Department for Analytical Philosophy at the Philosophical Institute of the
Czech Academy of Sciences. If you are interested and able to join us, please, let us know until the end of May
the title of your paper and the dates of your stay in Prague.
There is no conference fee, but unfortunately also no funds for covering the participants' expenses. The organizers

will be happy to reserve accommodation in Prague.


Please, address the correspondence to:



The updated information will appear on:



With best regards


Petr Koťátko

Head of the Department for Analytical Philosophy

Philosophical Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences

Jilská 1

110 00 Prague